Replying to both your comments.
I find much of it indigestible for the reasons I posted above in 2 comments; and I can add more.
Trump came in with a plan. He had a plan for the election being stolen. This Anon’s comments make it sound as though the plan didn’t work, the mil turned on him, and that Trump himself is a pawn and not the brains behind this operation.
That pretty much nullifies the utility of the whole thing to me. And “those who really run the gov’t/kabbal/powers they worship thing” - nope. Not digestible or even swallowable. So are these shadow kabbalists the ones running the show and Trump is their pawn? Is that what this Anon is getting at? I absolutely do not accept this.
I remember when Amny Barrett was being voted on or questioned, or maybe right around when she was confirmed, Trump said something about we’ll need her for the election. Or words to that effect. So I”m sure getting case/s before SCOTUS was part of the plan, but certainly not the last ditach hope-plan.
On another point, I think Lin Wood really is coming unglued, or purposely posting disinfo to create fog of war to fool the bad guys. I hope it’s the second. The idea that all the justices Trump appointed are all bad is just ridiculous. It also means that Trump is a total idiot.
Anyway, I said my piece, fwiw...
The idea that all the justices Trump appointed are all bad is just ridiculous. It also means that Trump is a total idiot.
I never had the sense that PDJT had exclusive say in who was put forward as a SC nominee. I think he depended heavily on pre-approved lists of candidates prepared by the Federalist Society (FS). I don’t know enough about this organization to trust or not trust their nominees, and PDJT couldn’t possibly have personal knowledge of all the potential candidates.
He had to rely on recommendations too so, ultimately, who he nominated depended on how conservative and trustworthy the FS is, and whether anyone like McConnell had their thumb on that scale too. I don’t think that McConnell would cooperate to guide a nominee through the confirmation process without his own personal approval. That gives me pause right there.
The swamp is wide and deep and the deep state infiltrated as many conservative organizations as possible through the years in order to undermine their efforts. It remains to be seen through Gorsuch’s, Kavanaugh’s and Barrett’s rulings whether or not the Federalist Society was one of them. Any failures in this regard would not necessarily be entirely PDJT’s fault due to the rigging of the game long before he came along.