Posted on 02/20/2021 1:56:44 PM PST by ransomnote
Ewe Winz Teh Thredd.
“We were in the neighborhood and thought we’d drop in.”
Was this one of those Boeing models where they bragged about outsourcing part of manufacturing to India to “save money”?
I think there are rv rentals but not sure. I would visit the Big Island. There are B and Bs and I know a few people who run some on Oahu and B.I.
You know, I'd hate to see what happens when the wrong engine on the 777 comes apart or catches fire...
Very weird. Two on the same day. Interesting to see the passenger list.
Some demoralization troll posted that on 4chan IIRC.
I agree with most of your premise. I agree the Plan has been “altered”. don’t really think Media made that big of a difference(They tried). I think the Money Men bought off too many people. Now one link will cause the downfall. I would think that most of the Plan is already accomplished. Arrests have been made and some have been leveraged. Scum always runs the other way.
I do want all the BOEs, SOSs, AGs, Govs etc.. to pay the price. Waiting is so hard but we have always expected all three branches of gov. to turn R. I the case at hand, the gov could move swiftly. It will be biblical if the Plan comes to fruitition. I don’t think the Rats will put up much of a fight. They will have their surrogates do the CWII actions. Hope they are destroyed for what they did.
Don't think Trump is a pawn. I do think that the SC will do the right thing in spite of Robetts, cause there will be opinions.
I believe patriots are in control, and that's not a 'bad turn.' :)
Conclusion #1: No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. The Q Plan has failed, and we won’t be hearing from Q again. The Plan underestimated the ability of the Mockingbird Media to make people believe that the election was on the level with the correct result.
I believe the public phase of the Q Plan, which was to gather the people to support President Trump, succeeded and that's why he won in a landslide. It's also why support for the President remains high, and Biden is not taken seriously world-wide (dementia, corruption).
We're now in the private part of the Q Plan (Phase II). We're watching a show, literally being filmed in CastleRock studios.
The MSM is panicking, flailing away at the President and "QAnon" like its life depends on it. All citizen actions to support Trump will be portrayed as a danger to the republic, so it's important to distinguish that we seek the return of the rule of law (we're not insurrectionists).
The MSM portrays so much support for fake polls claiming the public has accepted that Biden won, while at the same time opening, qualifying, and ending statements by sternly saying even now that BIDEN IS THE PRESIDENT etc. World-wide, Biden is considered illegitimate by signficant numbers of people. The world is watching Biden forget where he is or arrive on a fake Air Force One rental plane. World leaders must have realized by now Biden doesn't control the military.
Conclusion #2: The people behind Trump opted against Plan Z. Use of the Insurrection Act to trigger a military takeover was rejected because it would lead to civil war.
I believe President Trump and all those working to restore the rule of law in America have not and will not give up because it means world-wide death and slavery. They continue to employ options/strategies to reduce risk to public safety as they work to free the country, and the world, from the NWO. They are winning.
For those who doubt their resolve, I point to the fact that there would have been no safe place on Earth for them if they had retreated and compromised. It's not that I believe President Trump and his warriors are self-interested; I'm just pointing out that they know what is at stake and are willing to die to save America, along with the rest of humanity.
It looks like SCOTUS has enacted a delaying tactic hoping to buy themselves time to reverse their losing position.
I believe the US had not yet met the criteria for military tribunals because SCOTUS agreed to hear the election fraud cases, but intentionally pushed the date back beyond inauguration day because they are traitors.
Had the SCOTUS refused to hear the cases= civilian courts fail
Had the SCOTUS heard and rejected evidence=civilian courts fail
Since the SCOTUS has not heard/rejected the cases, they can pretend the civilian court system is still functioning. Hence the delay. Had the SCOTUS not been compromised, they would have resolved the issue before 1/20/2021.
They could have enacted the IA without SCOTUS hearing the case, but it seems their cost/benefit analysis meant they could reduce the risk of losses (casualties, infrastructure etc.) if they waited for SCOTUS to expose itself as corrupt.
Once SCOTUS rules, and I assume they will refute the evidence after delaying as long as possible, then the world has proof that civilian courts have failed to function, criteria under which US mil courts can then activated.
I believe patriots in control likely had a tremendous challenge in determining the safest course of action - insurrection act/martial law early because they knew SCOTUS would betray the people anyway, or wait and let the public see the farce in action and let the SCOTUS pretend to hear the case and refuse it. Add in all the other options and combinations of options we're not aware of because the issue is so complex.
All those patriots who gave testimony, gathered evidence, watched videos, attended public hearings, read case information, followed Q content will have proof that the SCOTUS is corrupt. This course (waiting for SCOTUS to fail us after the inauguration) was likely deemed "safer" in terms of losses due to rioting and misled "counter-coup" efforts (Myanmar) that the MSM and our traitors in government would lead.
So I am turning my attention to praying that the SCOTUS can be compelled to do the right thing despite all appearances. I believe they will delay their ruling by any available means including FF to empty the Capital (attempt a blockade). So I am praying against destructive acts, delays, and for the SCOTUS to act as it should, and for God to lead us through whatever comes even if it means martial law/IA.
Others factors which may impact the timing are the interconnectedness of the nations as all work to overthrow evil (and evil fights back), and whatever motions China is making (aggression).
Because the whistleblower has testified that Roberts is compromised (schemed to kill other justices), I believe Roberts should have had to recuse on day 1. Since he apparently didn’t, I assume it will be more of the same SCOTUS blockade/delay tactics.
The POTUS/Q knew the election would be stolen and the courts were corrupt. The Deep State was never going to just "give up" and die. "The military is the only way."
Conclusion #3: There is a new plan, and everything rides on the Supreme Court.
I believe the patriots are still in control working through their winning strategy. All the decisions about what path to take are based on the losses incurred. They simply will not give up - they would instead die trying - because giving up means slavery and death at the hands of China along with our other enemies.
@JohnHereToHelp first described the black hat strategy now in play back in July of 2020 and Pelosi affirmed they would swear in a President whether President Trump lost or not shortly afterwards (beginning of August 2020?). If this was public information on the Internet about 6 months ago, I believe Q/Trump knew it about it far longer. The patriots didn't just cash in their chips ("oh well, they have a STRATEGY to just PRETEND they won, so we're doomed!")
The patriots in control know that the Deep State steals elections. President Trump was talking about it long before he came to office.
It's not that white hat strategies "failed"; it's that they evaluated all information and decided which of multiple paths to take all along the way, making each decision made to reduce threats to public safety and the health of the nation.
The Supreme Court is likely to fail us because they intentionally chose to delay and apparently Roberts did not recuse at the outset. The white hats will choose from among the alternatives remaining which course of action will protect the nation and reduce losses best. Rinse and Repeat - until WE WIN.
But make no mistake - the white hats have seen things, watched videos of horrors, know the plans of China and other enemies; they know what it at stake. They will perservere until they win. The fact that we don't know HOW they plan to do it means Operational Security is working.
Here is what I see as the desired schedule.
2/19: The Supreme Court decides whether to grant cert to the lawsuits alleging massive fraud in 3 or 4 states.
But whistleblower testimony is on record alleging Roberts is fully compromised and cannot weigh the cases in an unbiased fashion (plus he threatened to have the other justices there's that....).
2/25: The Court announces it will take the cases with oral arguments to be presented on 3/12.
If compromised Justice Roberts is still present, how would it be worth the time to let the SCOTUS evaluate the cases? It may be "worth" it, or maybe it isn't. Again it's a cost/benefit analysis (losses expected if military takes over versus letting the farce in SCOTUS play out. This in-between stage in the leadership of the US is enticing our enemies to consider us vulnerable, so timing matters.
3/12: Oral arguments. The “ask” for the plaintiffs is for the Court to:
Lin Woods is not optomistic, and given the delaying tactics and corruption present in the SCOTUS, I can see why.
4/9: The Supreme Court decides for the plaintiffs.
Certain congressmen and senators are forced to resign over their involvement in fraud and espionage.
House seats can only be filled by special election, and there is no time for that. Following those resignations, the Republicans will control the House, and McCarthy (or some other Republican) will become Speaker and Acting President.
Senate vacancies can be filled by governors except in those states, like Massachusetts, where special elections are required. The Republicans will control the Senate.
This is where Antifa and BLM takes to the streets. The military will crush this rebellion in short order.
4/15: The House votes by state delegations and elects Trump. The Senate elects Pence.
4/17: Trump and Pence are inaugurated. This is where blue states begin to discuss a constitutional amendment dissolving the Union to permit legal secession.
Lin Woods/Whistleblower say Pence is a traitor and his performance for our country (the ill-fated Pence/Ryan 2016 ticket, he threw Flynn under the bus, withheld information during Ukraine scandal, refused to reject electors, attended the FAKE Biden inauguration and continues to help conceal their actions) indicates he will not be VP.
I think Flynn is already acting in some respect as the VP. The Whistleblower Lin Woods has featured said Flynn was Trump's pick for VP until the black hats intervened. I look forward to seeing Flynn as VP! :D
Prayers up that God would protect President Trump and all serving the cause of good for the conflict that lies ahead. May God grant our nation swift victory over the Satanists.
I think the military rejecting stepping in is misdirection. They have an oath, and if they’re not willing to hold to it then that significantly darkens the picture.
Numerous pundits on the subject keep harping on “that would be civil war” and “OMG bloodshed”.
>Upholding and defending the constitution is not civil war. If a lot of libtards and proglodytes have to be mowed down resisting that... cry me a river. Civil war would be if a significant faction of the public, military, or combination thereof decided to impose their will extra-constitutionally by subterfuge or force of arms... (oh, like what’s already going on by the deep state and the left?). If the Republic only survives by a serious CONUS conflict while surface and subsurface naval assets keep the rest of the planet backed off of us then that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
No one on the left, no DERP, no globalist, no communist etc... Is going to “see the error of their ways”, say “sorry” and help to return us to Constitutional governance. The entire ongoing situation here (CoVid bullcrap, undoing of every pro American thing Trump accomplished, the frenetic scramble by uniparty minions and their corporate lackeys to crush dissent and stifle liberties) is an OBVIOUS AS S*** indication that this is IT. It’s either win, or lose. Either of those AT SOME POINT is going to involve a lot of screaming, crying, etc... By whom is yet be determined.
If you are in agreement with the most generally accepted interpretation of the Bible then this does not end happily in this material world. The current situation sets the stage perfectly for the unfolding of events in Revelations. In such a case then the stalwarts carry on, aid others, bring them to Christ etc... and it unfolds as it unfolds.
If you believe that our efforts, prayers and spiritual and physical resistance to the situation allows for the possibility of the Lord extending merciful grace to America for a revitalization and for our continued existence as a free nation then you need to dispossess ones self of any notion that this resolves itself without great exertions of wealth, health and grief.
At this time, besides our prayers and moral support of our patriot fellows, we need to be waging economic warfare, we need to be learning multiple skill sets to create and fabricate “stuff” and teaching others. We need to call out, at EVERY opportunity, each piece of crap like those Oakley school board trustees so they slither off the battle field and then people like us need to FILL THOSE POSITIONS! That was a BIG win locally. 10 of them would be a big win regionally, 1000 of them would be a big win nationally.
There are FAR to many people that seem to have the attitude of “well golly, it would be nice if the Constitutional Republic survived but if that interrupts cell service, or food delivery, or dancing with the stars... I don’t know...”
The enemy is DEPENDING on that attitude. Their best weaponry is associated with running out the clock, painting us with broad defamatory brushes, sowing the fear of physical conflict, sowing the fear of economic instability and conflict. How can ANYONE fear for something like their “retirement”, or their “equity” or “balance statement” when in their VERY OWN WORDS the enemy has said you won’t have any of that on the other side of their reset???
If this is coming out with a WIN just recognize that it’s probably going to involve pushing our WHOLE pile of chips (lives, fortunes, sacred honor) into the center of this table and saying “WE’RE IN, BRING IT!”
Know your Nautical terminology
container ship
A cargo ship that carries all of her cargo in truck-size intermodal containers.
roll-on/roll-off ship
Also RORO or ro-ro.
A vessel designed to carry wheeled cargo that can drive on and off the ship on its own wheels.
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
Hoping others will read the anon comments and my first comment, also Publius has a summary with his thoughts. Randomly adding some names, could have added more but just can’t remember everyone.
Anon comments:
Publius summary and thoughts:
My first comments:
My additional thoughts:
It seems doubtful that Trump and Q team did not have a sound plan that included mil as mil were often referred to. Anon says that Trump tried to convince the military that he could invoke Insurrection Act but the mil are hard core constitutionalists and won’t transgress it.
So how does invoking the IA when the election was stolen unconstitutional? It’s fits two of the levels of the IA to a T.
Anon says Trump vastly underestimated of big tech and media, not sure about that. Anon seems to be saying that public support for Trump is not what Trump expected.
So I have some disagreements (theoretical of course as I am not an insider or constitutional scholar. I hope others read the Anon comments and chime in.
I knew I forgot someone, should have added you to my comments.
Is that ro-ro-ro your boat?
Throughout are many reiterations of the importance of the SCOTUS case, which, based on their past recent performance, doesn't inspire much confidence; but in points 3 and 5, the anon stresses that the SCOTUS case is a cover for military tribunals, and I have no idea how that is supposed to work.
After concluding the 7-point presentation, the anon appears to continue in posting his replies and answers to many unseen questions, without which it is hard to know exactly what is being asked, much like listening to just one side of a telephone conversation.
I don't know quite what to make of it all. Sometimes it sounds tentatively positive, other times very shaky. If this is really the way things stood as of Jan. 17, I am surprised in retrospect that President Trump's demeanor in days afterward was even slightly not more cloudy. Instead, he always came across as optimistic and confident as ever.
Posting this again, so it appears on this thread:
That was the BEST dating machine you will find.
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
"Military is the only way" need not imply either Insurrection Act, NOR Civil War.
The key to the doomage left is to lie through their teeth about what something "really means" when in fact they are distracting from other things they are afraid of, or don't want people to know.
It's amazing to see so many Q thread denizens falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Do Pelosi and Schumer and Schiff look confident, or panicked out of their skulls?
Does Flynn look totally bummed and defeated, or upbeat?
Does President Trump look like he's sulking in the corner, or is his silence strategic?
Thankq. In be I.
Evening all, in
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