May I hire you as my secretary? LOL ...
Geeze, I got my hands full just with drafting this resolution of censure!
Do you know how many Republicans show up when I hold our County Convention, to elect party officers and choose delegates for the State Convention? Two or three, including me.
I ‘ve been stuck with the county chairmanship since 2012. Heck, I did not even run for a committeeman slot on the SSC, but somehow I got elected to the position!
The more I show up, the more I speak out, the more responsibility Republicans in my Congressional District decide to throw on my shoulders. Last evening, another county chair requested that I run for office - against Congressman Adrian Smith! To which request I replied NO!
Unfortunately for me, the apathy here among the agricultural folk is thick - or at least it was up until now.
So, the real evidence of apathy. No County party, organization or any evidence of what it takes to kill candidates before they run for office. That said, there are three States right in a row with the very same East West issues not to mention County Republican organizations. NE, ND, and SD