Good grief. Guess we have no way of knowing what the true number of legal registered voters are when the foxes control the hen house. Very sad to lose total faith in the election process and realize our elections have been third world for decades until they got caught off guard in 2016. They had 4 years to plot this election circus and it’s very clear THEY DON’T CARE we know they cheated. I think that was the message the GaGa varmint was sending with that Effie Trinket outfit.
THEY DON’T CARE we know they cheated.
Reminded of Powell saying something like that, they were so sloppy they didn’t care if they
were caught, there in lies something to be aware of, anyone trying to present evidence was
ignored or countered as not being credible, thankfully the truth prevailed. They are
decietful and many have backed up their lies, we have been honest and stuck to the truth.
Corrolary: American voters are not entitled to know how many many illegal votes were cast/counted/tallied/tabulated/calculated in a corrupted election.