Every day, with Quercetin and green tea extract (also zinc ionophores like HCQ).
Quercetin is good and will open nano pores on the cell surface to allow Zinc to enter, it serves as an ionophore.
But HCQ goes a step further, it blocks the ACE2 receptor which is like the front door to the cell interior.
Quercetin helps Zinc to get inside to clock virus replication and then the cytokines cause the virus to be flushed out.
But the flushed virus can enter other cells because the ACE2 receptor front door is open.
So it becomes a race of getting Zinc into pneumocytes before the Virus is there or if the Virus is already there, then the Zinc has to compete for space with the Virus.
Long and short is HCQ clears it up faster, but Quercetin will get it done also just take a little longer.
However, as a prophylactic, the Quercetin will get the Zinc into the inside of the cell where it will block the Virus as it enters the cell and is sucked into the nucleus. The Virus won’t be able to replicate (multiply) and is eventually flushed out, it gets eliminated in the urine.
HCQ works faster. Many, Many cases where an ER patient admitted to the hospital thought they would die because they couldn’t breathe, were given the Zelenko regimen and within 6 to 8 hours were feeling normal as if nothing had happened.