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To: DoodleDawg

But in this situation he is NOT the presiding officer in the Senate. He is the presiding officer of the Joint Session, and does NOT go into session with the Senate.

That’s why I keep saying the senate has to be 51.

BTW, though, just a thought on the House “vote by delegation” clause:

Given that so far NO Republican majority legislature (not a single one) has overturned a state Biteme certification, I am not even sure that in the event of a House vote-by-delegation that Trump would win all the R majority delegations. People act like just because they say R next to their names, the legislators are reliable. What evidence so far do we have of that?

The hearings have been off site, meaning that in MI and AZ where hearings were held, they couldn’t even get the majority to hold formal hearings while they were in session.

30 posted on 12/23/2020 7:39:54 AM PST by LS ("Castles made of sand, fall in the sea . . . eventually" (Hendrix) )
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To: LS
That’s why I keep saying the senate has to be 51.

Fifty. I don't think Purdue or Loeffler will be there because the results of the runoff won't be certified in time. so only 98 will vote.

BTW, though, just a thought on the House “vote by delegation” clause:

Which only kicks in if no candidate has over 269 votes. Not going to happen.

49 posted on 12/23/2020 9:17:15 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: LS
But in this situation he is NOT the presiding officer in the Senate. He is the presiding officer of the Joint Session, and does NOT go into session with the Senate.

By tradition, VPOTUS may choose to not preside over a break out session in the Senate on rejecting or affirming a slate of electors, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to do so. U.S. Constitution, Article I, Sec. 3, Clause 4:
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.
The only time that VPOTUS cannot preside over the Senate is for an impeachment trial of POTUS, as he could have a conflict of interest.
51 posted on 12/23/2020 3:47:40 PM PST by Dr. Franklin ("A republic, if you can keep it.")
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