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To: little jeremiah
That detestable and godless theology (Communism) masquerading as an ideology (Socialism) has been working for decades in America as a hidden movement (Progressivism) and it has distracted our intelligentsia into evolving our system of government down the wrong path.

1,781 posted on 12/23/2020 3:41:41 PM PST by HippyLoggerBiker (Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake. )
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To: HippyLoggerBiker

McCarthy was correct and wrongfully vilified.

1,815 posted on 12/23/2020 5:11:23 PM PST by little jeremiah (Thirst for truth is the most valuable possession and no one can take it away from you.)
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To: HippyLoggerBiker; Tobias Grimsley; WildHighlander57; bitt; thinden; little jeremiah; fedupjohn; ...
232,524 so-called New Cases today, and 3,394 deaths attributed to Chinavirus.

Remember when people used to talk about how shocking it would be if aliens landed on the lawn of the White House and announced they were taking over?

Well ... something like this has the potential to actually happen January 20th.

As a matter of fact, aliens from outer space might be preferable to a treasonous crime syndicate allied with a foreign dictatorship and using as their figurehead a zombie-like man who appears and acts as if he has sold his soul to the Devil for worldly possessions and finally the presidency.


1. United States CHINAVIRUS Confirmed Cases through about mid-June			
2. Highly (and Deliberately) Contaminated Data from mid-June Forward			
(contaminated with antibody-test, duplicates, false positives and dubious "Probables")			
3. Another Layer of Fraud in both deaths and Cases was added 7/28			
4. Election Noise of massive FALSE POSITIVES started rampong Labor Day,			
5. The "Election" phase of "exponential" growth ended 2 weeks after election.

Date	New	Total	Daily
	Cases	Cases	Deaths
	Actual + FAKE	Actual + FAKE	

11/1/2020	 71,321 	 9,473,911 	 399 
11/2/2020	 93,632 	 9,567,543 	 526 
11/3/2020	 124,985 	 9,692,528 	 1,644 
11/4/2020	 108,827 	 9,801,355 	 1,188 
11/5/2020	 118,167 	 9,919,522 	 1,124 
11/6/2020	 139,064 	 10,058,586 	 1,277 
11/7/2020	 124,232 	 10,182,818 	 1,027 
11/8/2020	 105,662 	 10,288,480 	 511 
11/9/2020	 133,046 	 10,421,526 	 680 
11/10/2020	 137,658 	 10,559,184 	 1,351 
11/11/2020	 149,446 	 10,708,630 	 1,598 
11/12/2020	 165,306 	 10,873,936 	 1,188 
11/13/2020	 190,428 	 11,064,364 	 1,390 
11/14/2020	 161,674 	 11,226,038 	 1,281 
11/15/2020	 140,341 	 11,366,379 	 576 
11/16/2020	 171,678 	 11,538,057 	 819 
11/17/2020	 157,654 	 11,695,711 	 1,604 
11/18/2020	 178,016 	 11,873,727 	 1,999 
11/19/2020	 196,985 	 12,070,712 	 2,079 
11/20/2020	 204,014 	 12,274,726 	 1,950 
11/21/2020	 175,940 	 12,450,666 	 1,507 
11/22/2020	 137,995 	 12,588,661 	 906 
11/23/2020	 188,513 	 12,777,174 	 991 
11/24/2020	 177,833 	 12,955,007 	 2,204 
11/25/2020	 182,955 	 13,137,962 	 2,328 
11/26/2020	 110,714 	 13,248,676 	 1,336 
11/27/2020	 205,670 	 13,454,346 	 1,474 
11/28/2020	 156,011 	 13,610,357 	 1,225 
11/29/2020	 140,047 	 13,750,404 	 818 
11/30/2020	 169,466 	 13,919,870 	 1,260 
12/1/2020	 188,620 	 14,108,490 	 2,644 
12/2/2020	 205,451 	 14,313,941 	 2,889 
12/3/2020	 221,255 	 14,535,196 	 2,964 
12/4/2020	 237,339 	 14,772,535 	 2,721 
12/5/2020	 210,890 	 14,983,425 	 2,275 
12/6/2020	 176,104 	 15,159,529 	 1,081 
12/7/2020	 209,517 	 15,369,046 	 1,537 
12/8/2020	 222,663 	 15,591,709 	 2,955 
12/9/2020	 228,333 	 15,820,042 	 3,300 
12/10/2020	 219,351 	 16,039,393 	 2,994 
12/11/2020	 256,065 	 16,295,458 	 3,058 
12/12/2020	 253,908 	 16,549,366 	 2,332 
12/13/2020	 187,901 	 16,737,267 	 1,377 
12/14/2020	 205,555 	 16,942,822 	 1,630 
12/15/2020	 200,957 	 17,143,779 	 2,979 
12/16/2020	 248,839 	 17,392,618 	 3,509 
12/17/2020	 234,152 	 17,626,770 	 3,351 
12/18/2020	 261,583 	 17,888,353 	 2,917 
12/19/2020	 189,415 	 18,077,768 	 2,556 
12/20/2020	 189,821 	 18,267,589 	 1,468 
12/21/2020	 206,127 	 18,473,716 	 1,903 
12/22/2020	 210,912 	 18,684,628 	 4,052 
12/23/2020	 232,524 	 18,917,152 	 3,394 

1,883 posted on 12/23/2020 7:00:46 PM PST by Disestablishmentarian (The next war has already started. )
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