My apologies if this has already been posted.
1 posted on
12/17/2020 10:53:29 AM PST by
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To: eastsider
It’s attorneys general, not Attorney Generals.
2 posted on
12/17/2020 10:56:53 AM PST by
To: eastsider
One can only hope, just do it.
To: eastsider
4 posted on
12/17/2020 10:58:37 AM PST by
To: eastsider
in Order to form a more perfect Union
To: eastsider
7 posted on
12/17/2020 11:00:20 AM PST by
(Fake News")
To: eastsider
And, Mr. President, arrest the heads of the agencies holding up the Election report from your EO and put them in jail until the report is produced.
Without pay ...
8 posted on
12/17/2020 11:00:43 AM PST by
(We were born to be tested)
To: eastsider
YES! Insurrection by deep state in all branches of government in collusion with CHINA who committed and act of war by a fraudulent election and using a bioweapon!
Let’s go! MAGA!!!!!
To: eastsider
To: eastsider
Only 97,550 signatures to go to get to 100,000.
To: eastsider
16 posted on
12/17/2020 11:06:38 AM PST by
Jim W N
(MAGA by restoring the Gospel of the Grace of Christ (Jude 3) and our Free Constitutional Republic!)
To: eastsider
To: eastsider
Yeah...and I am requesting it, too. This country cannoit be turned over to a half wit and an amoral
There should be some limits to corruption and degeneracy. In this case, there appears to be none.
23 posted on
12/17/2020 11:10:17 AM PST by
("Bolje Grob Nego Rob")
To: eastsider
Not even 2500 signatures in four days? Needs re-posting!
24 posted on
12/17/2020 11:11:46 AM PST by
(We live here.)
To: eastsider
Thank you, I was not aware of this...have passed it along to many. I don't know the legal ramifications, if any, of this petition however, fight we must to keep this nation from the communist claws of Harris & Biden...and the apparent Shadow Government, foreign and domestic who are clearly trying to take America down. FIGHT BACK! the shadow
25 posted on
12/17/2020 11:12:22 AM PST by
(President Trump works for We The People - not China as Biden has and will.)
To: eastsider
I’ve signed, and sent it to every “ deplorable “ on my email list.
The Republic hangs by a thread !
To: eastsider
......Abe Lincoln threatened to arrest Chief Justice Taney for running his mouth in the opening days of the Civil War.
Now that we find ourselves in the opening days of CW II Trump should arrest this sob. Lincoln did not ultimately arrest Taney but he did arrest thousands who stayed in jail a long time.
To: eastsider
How to take back the Republic?
Amendment 28 Proposal
America will never be a communist country. Socialism and communism are the natural enemies of American Constitutional Law, American culture and the American free market economy. Any person endorsing in any way socialism or communism within U.S. territories is participating in an act of insurrection and will through due process have their property seized, their citizenship revoked and be subjected to permanent exile.
31 posted on
12/17/2020 11:21:39 AM PST by
(Law and order provides the convenience to live an honest life.)
To: eastsider
32 posted on
12/17/2020 11:22:28 AM PST by
To: eastsider
To: eastsider
39 posted on
12/17/2020 11:27:19 AM PST by
(If your home doesn't reek of Hoppe's, you ain't paying attention.)
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