Posted on 11/20/2020 5:06:15 AM PST by MtnClimber
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds..
One thing should be abundantly clear by now, after ten months of this pandemic: our political leaders hate us and they think we’re stupid. Nothing else can explain the blatant hypocrisy we’ve seen, mostly from Democrat governors and mayors who are eager to impose harsh lockdowns and strict rules for the public at large but then turn around and do whatever they please with their own families, friends, and cronies.
Examples abound, but this week brought a fresh spectacle of hypocrisy in the form of a nervous, patently disingenuous apology from California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was caught dining at an opulent birthday dinner for a top California political operative at a fancy French restaurant in Napa earlier this month, in apparent violation of his own COVID-19 protocols.
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Many seem to lie when they could just tell the truth. But, they deem to lie out of disrespect.
I'm sorry, who is it that thinks we're stupid?
The solution to tyranny is not currant “leaders”. It’s U.S..
The feeling is mutual. I have no warm fuzzies for those evil scum bags, either. 👎
Well, a free people don’t have leaders. Instead, the citizens elect representatives who reflect their ideas in politics not the other way around.
I truly believe they don’t know how to tell the truth. Their immediate thought and impulse is that it is a political situation to be managed. The more time one spends in the political arena tends to compromise one’s soul.
His secretary of state committed crime after crime and she's still roaming loose like a mangy mutt while she should be in prison.
"Think" we're stupid? No. We are stupid.
Heh, a politican thinking we’re stupid?
Good grief, did they ever imagine WHY they are only politicians?
The rest of us have work, thinking, and creating to do.
One of the work things is to make guillotines.
Let's see - THEY are partying and living high on the hog, mostly off YOUR tax dollars, while you are locked up wearing a mask. They have not been removed or rebuked for their tyranny.
So yes,most voters ARE stupid - CHANGE MY MIND.
I didn’t realize they thought that much about us...?
Socipaths rise to the top in large organizations.
It has been that way since the ancient Egyptians when the Pharaohs beat the slaves for the fun of it.
Life is easy when you know the rules.
The “leaders” and “experts” can go frack themselves.
The MSM and the NEA did an end run on that. And now-as if that wasn’t stacking the deck ENOUGH for them... they weaponized technology to deliver the coup de grace.
Somewhere in all that... ‘Republicans’ (as we used to think of ourselves) were betrayed by the GOP....yes, outright and repeatedly, ‘betrayed’.
I think both Donald Trump and President Trump have been so successful because as a citizen and as a President, Trump comprehends this and shares the same sense of betrayal.
THIS guy has ‘creep’ written all over him
Look at all the people who voted for Biden, I think they're right on the stupid part.
The billionaires, Bilderbergers, resetters, illuminati...whatever name you choose...they can’t just leave us alone...they believe we don’t know best...interview with Ted Turner I saw explained it clearly...they don’t believe in God as they have so much, have no redeeming features, so they can’t see God, it is nearly impossible for them to...therefore, they actually see their rest attempt as a tithe, a worship act unto the church of themselves...they largely don’t see Satan in this, though he has hold of them...pray against these powers and principalities...these spirits oh hate, lie, and control...Trump is a flawed being I am convinced somehow didn’t join their ranks, somehow fought the temptations...he needs us, our strength...those crying for the kraken now, now, some heavy lifting for him first...pray more than your impatience...God has day at a time...He will get it done, but we need to get it today now, do tomorrow tomorrow.
We have no political leaders if Trump is gone. We have kings and queens who take a large portion of what we will earn and give it to their plantation dwellers who do their will... cheating, looting, killing, threatening and lying for them but will always vote for them the elite azzholes.
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