The TRUMP TEAM is playing this just right...for a change. Send out the messengers with different stories, rumors, head feints, etc. Keep the press and Dems and especially TARGETS guessing until it’s too late to react or destroy evidence.
(h/t patriotfury) It seems clear that large scale stuffing and “ballot trucking/ballot dumps” were done specifically
to engineer a rough alignment between (A) the fraudulent paper ballots, and, (B) the software fraud.
Trump's win was an enormous landslide w/ at least 80 million votes. Many more votes than the fraudsters had previously calculated.
So much so, their algorithms wouldn’t perform the vote fraud planned for an easy Biden win. Trump's hundreds of thousands of votes
overwhelmed the panicky fraudsters.....that’s when they were forced to stop releasing the count (giving America no explanation).....
They had to come up with a way to (A) back-fill Biden votes, (b) destroy Trump votes, and, (C) fabricate votes for Biden.
BACKSTORY In a yet unexplained move, key states including PA, Michigan, and WI stopped releasing vote counts on election night.
Fact-checkers have noted that these states didn't stop counting.......but not WHY they stopped releasing the results of their counting.
REALITY CHECK They had to go into the machines and falsify a separate reset to have them come out for Biden.
At 4 a.m. the next morning, huge amounts of fresh Biden votes were being reported. The scam worked, and days later,
the all-knowing, all powerful MSM, themselves, "declared" Biden president-elect.
When things looked bad for Biden, the states inexplicably stopped releasing vote counts.......
is this indicative of an (ahem) transparent Biden administration?
It’s because they had to go in and do a separate reset on the machines to have them come out for Biden.”
Mark Steyn to Powell: “And you have evidence of this? Witnesses to this?”
Sidney Powell: “I do, indeed.”
Spot is a very well run psyops operation...if you are one of the bad guys, u have no idea what they have ...
Much easier to make a plea bargain etc.