Exactly correct. Votes are INTEGERS. You can get percentages from integers, but you can't get (all) integers from percentages. The system seems to have functionality to cap a percentage for a certain candidate.
I agree it should NOT be that way but it is ... in prior experience designing + building such things we first encountered this issue very early and thus made all our data types LONGs to eliminate even the possibility someone auditing the systems software might even think it was possible to be maintaining partial numbers. I’m having a mental flashback of somebody saying something exactly like you’re saying ala you can’t have partial votes lol. LONGs were needed because ultimately you needed to store in a LONG so that can became a base type and it permeated everything after that.
By Jim Hoft Published November 13, 2020 at 3:23pm
This is what Facebook thinks of the more than 73,000,000 Americans who voted for President Donald Trump last week in his historic election.
Facebook switched President Trumps title from President to Political Candidate.