Lol. How twisted do you have to be to wack your junk on a Zoom call, these perverted democrats are all vonsumed by sexual perversions. Toobin is otherwise just snother typical low life democrat that cannot speak anything but lies. His legal analysis was never right, always constructed to bash conservatives.
Now ducking child support after threatening his concubine to get abortion , them refusing to pay the court ordered amount.
Complete zero. We need to excise all these perverted democrats ASAP
I realized years ago that demsheviks/leftists’ beliefs are founded upon utter hedonistic sex obessions and perverions. After running and participating with the Homosexual Agenda and Moral Absolutes ping lists, this became clear to me.
Evidence? Here are their sacraments and dogma in this connection.
1. Abortion including infanticide for infants born alive
2. Homosexuality - making therapy that helps those who want to be treated and get out of the “gay” life illegal
3. Trans this/n/that
4. Normalizing pedophilia and lowering the age of consent
5. Glorifying and normalizing sex outside of marriage in every possible manner no matter how vile, degraded, immoral, dangerous or disgusting
6. Sex education starting at kindergartener age that teaches everything from masturbation, transcrap and more and preventing parents from knowing that kids are being taught in schools
7. Demonzing the real natural (God given) differences between male and female
8. Demonizing the destroying the natural family
9. Legalizing pornography including the most extreme and vicious
10. Legalizing child pornography as long as it’s not photos or imgages of “real” children
11. NAMBLA is allowed to print its “how to” books
12. Hate speech/hate books/etc teach differently
That’s off the top of my head.
Well, the call, was described as an “election simulation,”.
Maybe Toobin thought he heard “election sTimulation”.