can start here...after the smoke cleared...Comey issued a statement that should have indicted them but it didn't ( sound familiar ?)
Comey's statement:
"Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment: she and her husband had tried to hide their roles in two other matters under investigation by law enforcement. Taken together, the interference by White House officials, which included destruction of documents, amounted to “far more than just aggressive lawyering or political naiveté,” Comey and his fellow investigators concluded. It constituted “a highly improper pattern of deliberate misconduct.”"
Or how about Pardon-gate...Pres. GWBush assigned Comey to the Rich pardon by Pres. Clinton...considering it was Comey who put Rich away in the first place.
It sure seems Comey always showed up when the Clintons were involved and the Clintons were never charged with anything.