I’ve gotta give credit to the chief medical reporter on ABC News, whoever she is. She was on right after the briefing and very fair. Made it clear that in medical setups such as the WH has it is expected that pretty much as soon as Trump showed up there re: Covid they would put him on a line pretty much as standard routine. She thought that was why the doctor parsed his timeframe carefully and that it meant absolutely nothing. She was way better than the usual CNN/NBC medical reporter.
...as soon as Trump showed up there re: Covid they would put him on a line pretty much as standard routine.
Absolutely accurate and my experience at institutions much further down the rankings than Walter Reed with patients far, far less important than POTUS.
Certain that attending arrived, glanced at the admitting vitals and ordered the nasal cannula removed.
Brief administration likely perked him up a bit, since he reported feeling rundown.