10 events that will instantly cause the masses to wonder if Q is real
A video is released where Hilary says “Keep them starved, keep them blind, keep them stupid.”
A video of Obama shooting a gun at an American flag is released.
Deleted FBI text messages reveal discussion of plans to harm POTUS or a family member.
An image is released of a congresswoman’s phone during SOTU shows the words “he should be shot.”
President says “Where we go one, we go all!”
The President sends an Emergency Broadcast message to all Americans to bypass the fake news.
The President tweets “My FELLOW Americans, the Storm is upon us.......”
On POTUS order, a state of temporary military control is actioned, special ops carried out.
Adam Schiff is arrested for Standard Hotel related crimes.
Weiner computer reveals videos of HRC cutting off a girl’s face
The NYT leaked this today at the behest of Weissmann.