When I was a yout’, parents were able to come sit in the classroom and observe the little darlings at work. It didn’t happen often, but of course when “Bobby’s mom” came and sat in the room I had to be good. On the plus side, moms would also show up at times with treats for a kids birthday or something, which was a good tradeoff.
moms would also show up at times with treats for a kids birthday or something
That specialty - at least where I taught - ended with Mooch’s healthy lunch program. Even snacks/treats provided by a teacher were regulated such that the first and second ingredients on the label could not be sugar, and home-made goodies were a definite no-no. We were also a “nut-less” school. (I made that point, humorously, during a faculty meeting. Didn’t go over so well.) Additionally, parents were taken aside and given non-descript cups and bags for any fast food that was brought to school for lunch with their kid - heaven forbid a student brought that kind of lunch from home.