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To: qaz123
Recall the 5 members of the borough council and send them packing. Make their lives so miserable that they have to move out of the borough.

It's going to take more than a simple recall to fight these totalitarian fascists in the local and state government in NJ and other states for that matter.

They are drunk with power and have no fear whatsoever of any repercussions. This - unfortunately - is one area where our leftist enemies have us beaten.

They take to the streets en masse and engage in wanton violence, knowing full well that they will not be held to account. The politicians fear these leftist mobs and acquiesce to their every demand. Our side needs to start putting the same fear into our elected officials if they trample on our rights, but that does not seem to be happening.

Anyone who stands up in defense of their constitutional rights is branded an 'extremist', while the violent leftist mobs are hailed as "peaceful demonstrators".

This American entrepreneur is treated like an enemy of the state for wanting to open his business, but if he were out in the streets with the leftist mobs burning down other people's businesses, he would be lauded as a hero by the media.

The media is the key here. Those who control the airwaves, control the narrative and the public perception, which then leads to unequal application of the law.

I don't see a peaceful resolution to this.

10 posted on 08/13/2020 11:59:59 AM PDT by American Infidel (Instead of vilifying success, try to emulate it)
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To: American Infidel

“Those who control the airwaves, control the narrative and the public perception”

The Republicans keep voting to fund NPR, The largest propaganda outlet in the world.

17 posted on 08/13/2020 1:26:08 PM PDT by dljordan
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To: American Infidel

They are drunk with power and have no fear whatsoever of any repercussions. This - unfortunately - is one area where our leftist enemies have us beaten.

That’s my point. They are drunk with power because the people keep giving them drinks. Take that away from them. Have a recall effort. And when they’re bounced, let them go to court to stop it. They only win because the people let them.

When this first started the Sheriff didn’t do anything to the gym owners. It wasn’t until the cops showed up, at the orders of leadership, did something happen to these people.

22 posted on 08/13/2020 9:24:28 PM PDT by qaz123
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