"Don't be a TROLL. Stay on topic, don't flame, don't engage in flamewars, feuds, cross-thread arguments, stalking or harassment.
"If you don't like the subject or topic of the thread to the point you become abusive or trollish, stay off it.
"The rules also apply to FReepmail. Do not send profane, insulting, threatening, harassing or otherwise unwanted or abusive messages.
"If someone says stop, stop."
per Jim Robinsonhttp://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3713751/posts
"Its not a matter of debate or dissent. I just dont appreciate the insults and resulting flamewars, so
its best (IMHO) to try to keep q stuff off our regular threads and non-q posters off the q threads. Thanks for trying to appreciate my concerns and for humoring me on this."
per Jim Robinsonhttp://freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3715518/posts?page=279#279