Give me a break.
You honestly thing this virus hasn’t been politicized??
There are bad viruses but I’m reading medical literature and this isn’t the plague. It’s a bad cold that is being used.
I don’t know anyone who has had the Dx nor does anyone I know.
We are being played cuz we elected someone who doesn’t need the DC machine to get his cash. The Deep State can’t buy him. Therefore attack.
Of course it’s been politicized. What hasn’t at this point? And of course the media doesn’t really do the whole “honest reporting of the facts” thing anymore. My point is we have to be able to find our own objective measures and our own truths where we can. It’s not the plague, but it’s also not just a cold or flu either (neither of which kill >100,000 people in 3 months). It spreads rapidly and kills somewhere between 0.26% (CDC lower bound IFR) and 1% (Johns Hopkins upper end likely IFR). That’s a lot of people if we don’t manage it properly. It’s worthy of serious attention, but not panic.