I no longer think it is possible to convince some impatient people that the absence of information delivered to their inbox or FB page proves conclusively that “nothing is happening”. It’s a logical fallacy known as “ad ignorantium”, which is not an insult, it is a real thing:
“The fallacy ad ignorantiam, or an appeal to ignorance, occurs when someone argues that something must be either true or false because it hasnt been proven to be one way or the other. In other words, a particular belief is said to be true because you do not know that it is not true.”
In this case, they claim “nothing must be happening because we don’t have proof that something IS happening”. Which is itself a false statement, as anyone capable of researching the long list of bad actors who are no longer in government service, the changes made by President Trump through executive order, and more.
But reasoned debate takes more thought than just repeating the same old tired lines.
So, for the SECONDS time, you’ve not answered my sincere and legitimate questions, and called me names.