We did a great job on CoronaVirus, including the very early ban on China, Ventilator production, and Testing, which is by far the most, and best, in the World. We saved millions of U.S. lives.! Yet the Fake News refuses to acknowledge this in a positive way. But they do give.... — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 23, 2020
1) If I ignore all that should be capitalized, then I see V V T W. I'll format the included letters in bold below. I note there is both a period and an exclamation point after the word "lives" which I don't know how to treat. Since the . is first, then I assume the ! is out of place. So that would be VVTW!
We did a great job on CoronaVirus, including the very early ban on China, Ventilator production, and Testing, which is by far the most, and best, in the World. We saved millions of U.S. lives.! Yet the Fake News refuses to acknowledge this in a positive way. But they do give....
However, the President has sometimes included regular caps in tweet decodes too so I dunno.... He could have said "American" lives so the US might be part of it. Maybe the nations China and US both are included in the capitial letters. VCVTWUS! Yeah I got nothing.......