I hope he lives to learn why what he was doing was wrong, and his associates all die horrible painful slow deaths.
Necrotizing fasciitis, or perhaps early onset Parkinson’s with a dash of Alzheimer’s. Some undiagnosed Wegener’s Granulomatosis might work, too.
I am SOOOOOO sick of these weekend anarchists you have no idea. I want them dead. ALL of them, ESPECIALLY those that don’t know what they are “protesting”.
I’m not necessarily saying let’s kill them all, I think we should just remove the warning labels on everything, and let nature take it’s course.
After all,
EVOLUTION, right? Survival of the fittest and all that?
Maybe the PURGE isn’t such a bad idea?
Don’t lose hope. Covid-19 is still out there, and they haven’t been socially distancing.