Levin’s criticisms of Trump were never principled. They were irrational and based on personal animus and ego. Levin’s very good at re-writing history to pretend that it was all just healthy skepticism that lead him to oppose Trump. When he finally realized history was passing him by he jumped to the front of the Trump train waving his flag mightily in hopes that people forget how he did his best to prevent Trump from ever being elected.
And just to be clear, the not so great one declared himself never trump in, I think May of 2016. He used the Michelle Fields “incident” as one of the reasons for doing so. And, get this, this was after the video had already been made public showing what a sham it all was. Levin revealed himself for the self promoting fraud he is that year.
Oh, I would agree with that 100%. I don’t like Levin. He’s smart. But I don’t like him for his past actions. That being said, I’m glad he’s onboard. Big tent and all that rot.