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To: ransomnote
Anthony Fauci is Dr. Frankenstein.
COVID-19 is his monster.
Bill Gates is a ZPG freak.
To: ransomnote
This revelation should not be cheered in spite of the principals.
We could really use an effective vaccine. Wherever it comes from.
3 posted on
05/20/2020 5:59:42 PM PDT by
(War Criminal #18)
To: ransomnote
Whatever they come up with, I’m not getting it.
4 posted on
05/20/2020 6:00:45 PM PDT by
(Natural Born Citizens Are Born Here of Citizen Parents_Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
To: ransomnote
There will be no vaccine. Ever. Period.
To: ransomnote
20% of human test subjects severely injured from Gates-Fauci vaccine
6 posted on
05/20/2020 6:01:31 PM PDT by
(Stop looking for 'magic' numbers!)
To: ransomnote
I wish they would give more details on this.
To: ransomnote
I do not trust this article.
8 posted on
05/20/2020 6:02:42 PM PDT by
(Stop Tolerating The Intolerant)
To: ransomnote
Not surprising this company and its owner/spokesman have been sellling/dumping stock with all this talk.
9 posted on
05/20/2020 6:03:44 PM PDT by
(-- raised by wolves, educated by nuns)
To: ransomnote
So give us some examples of a Grade 3 event.
To: ransomnote
Fauci should have injected himself as part of the trial, if he was so confident his vaccine worked.
Liberal hypocrites don’t work that way. “Do as I say, not as I do.”
12 posted on
05/20/2020 6:05:38 PM PDT by
(What profits a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?)
To: ransomnote
14 posted on
05/20/2020 6:06:08 PM PDT by
( Pray for our nation. Thank the Lord for everything you have. Don't wait. Do it today.)
To: ransomnote
Isnt this the same Bill Gates who developed and marketed the "computer virus" extortion racket ? The guy who developed software that is freindly to "computer viruses" that you need to buy protection from ?
In reality that is called extortion. But if you are politically connected its just a business.
now hes moved into the biotech virus extortion racket
16 posted on
05/20/2020 6:14:56 PM PDT by
KTM rider
( .......than to post and remove all doubt)
To: ransomnote
everyone now has HIV segments from SARS_CoV-2
and the Soros/Gates/WHO/Xi/Wuhan_CoV-3 will be
SPECTACULAR according to their predictions.
viruses everywhere destroying society as PLANNED
by Soros and Gates and WHO and Xi.
This has been War, folks. and our government
is in hiding except for the President.
17 posted on
05/20/2020 6:15:41 PM PDT by
To: ransomnote
I thought Gates wanted to kill off about 6.5 billion people to get the world count down to 500,000.
21 posted on
05/20/2020 6:17:19 PM PDT by
Old Yeller
(The answer to 1984 is 1776)
To: ransomnote
"suffered a serious adverse event within 43 days of receiving Modernas jab. You'll Never Think About Solar Panels Again" I would think that never thinking about solar panels again would be a benefit rather than an adverse event.
To: ransomnote
24 posted on
05/20/2020 6:19:32 PM PDT by
To: ransomnote
Good news, bad news, it’s all preliminary.
Still, I don’t approve of skipping animal tests.
China will.
But it’s wrong.
28 posted on
05/20/2020 6:22:00 PM PDT by
(Dumb sluts (M / F) : Lifeblood of the Media, Backbone of the Democrat/RINO Party!)
To: Whenifhow; null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; bgill; ...
36 posted on
05/20/2020 6:32:14 PM PDT by
(Much of our culture is intended to traumatize us, as traumatized people are easily controlled)
To: ransomnote
what is this site?
Never heard of them.
37 posted on
05/20/2020 6:32:43 PM PDT by
To: ransomnote
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