The FDA, NIH and “Big Pharma” all provide huge funding to large university medical centers to run clinical trials/double-blind studies. These are necessary before new drugs (or drug treatments) can receive FDA authorization/approval. While I am not averse to “Big Pharma” in general, the current relationship between them and the various federal regulatory agencies is unhealthy and does not serve the taxpayer well.
Bottom Line: It is much more profitable for a university medical center to develop clinical trials for a new and relatively unknown drug than to approve a well known, safe, generic drug for a different (”off label”) use.
Terrible to put profit ahead of “we the people” Clean out the swamp, it’s deep and wide.
Exactly - it’s all about the money. Human lives, and especially older humans, are secondary.
Besides, Trump mentioned HCQ, and so it must be bad. Even worse, he’s been taking it for 2 weeks for its prophylactic effect.