I have said since the beginning that Donald Trump's true adversary will be the coronavirus with perhaps tens of millions out of work. Normally an incumbent president holds many advantages in such a race but the unemployment numbers could be decisive.
It is good that Biden gives OAC prominent place in his campaign because it is a possible avenue to change the subject from coronavirus back to Biden's ineptitude and the craziness of the Democrat party. Meanwhile, Trump must move more aggressively to open the country. The Democrats will stall while promising their base a $3 trillion windfall. Trump must open the country so fast that the largess so desperately needed by many voters will become obvious to enough voters that it only squanders resources and actually inhibits recovery.
The race is on: Trump can build it all back or pawn your inheritance for a mess of porridge.
A Biden staff member put AOC in that position. I doubt if Joe even knows who AOC is.