I'm glad I continued to scroll before starting my rebuttal. You just saved me a LOT of typing.
This idiot has just revealed that he is no mere 'conservative with a different opinion', as some here have sought to opine, thereby legitimizing him.
He is a full on derp status troll. He is not American. Americans believe in America. He does not. Trump represents the real America against the usurpers. This derpish dumbass supports the usurpers.
This Tokyo Rose supports Obama, who we all know is the enemy. This Benedict Arnold has no idea what the Q operation is about or the affect its having. This Brutus is sent from some ShareBlue, derp state, George Soros funded infiltration unit to spew his uninformed, ignorant garbage. He lies with every sentence he writes. He is a worm. He is no man. He is derp.
He speaks of emotion in the enemy (us) while holding out as the rational, logical man free from emotion. Yet we have all seen his foul mouthed, emotional, head explodey, retarded outbursts. He is the typical leftist scum. All heart, no brain, and he calls that good.
His rant was chock full of fallacies and devoid of truth. And he wraps it up by saying that all he said was, 'Obama won't go to jail'. Sorry, traitor, that's not all you said.
You trashed patriots, and by trashing them, you trashed America. If you don't believe me, do the math.
Anyway, stupid. Whatever your fevered brain may think, if in fact your thoughts are your own and not provided by your masters, THE PLAN is for Obama to go down. If you can't cipher that from Q's postings and the writing on the wall, then you are stupider than you have already proven yourself to be.
And again, 'Walter', thank you for saving me from a point by point rebuttal of this scumbag.
You ARE the man.
Note to everybody: Do you ever notice that when the heat gets REALLY turned up on the derps and Q action is imminent, that some troll like this, or a wave of them, shows up woth their bullshiznit?
There are no coincidences.
THANKS. Is your eye problem contagious? Yer makin’ my screen blurry.
I think your analysis is better than mine re such enemies within the gates.
I don’t regret being gentle & kindly in my wording but such traitors do not deserve it. Yet, it may be more hearable for some folks on the fence.
It just galls me to read trashy idiocy that makes no sense; is devoid or logical analysis and serves the destructive forces trying to shred the USA.
Thanks for your kind reply.
Happy Birthday Bagster. Hope you get lots of action against the Bad guys.