Best you expand that "second" language to include dialects of Texican that exist/have existed all the way up into Canada.
Pretty much along with the cows, oil and yeah, the funny hats.
...and what's your problem with REAL boots, young man? You go across a corral one time in those fancy slipper shoes and I'll guarantee there won't be a second trip.
According to the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition (ICD-9), the CDC admits that most vaccines contain dangerous levels of poison that can result in serious illness and even death.
You almost made me drop my man purse on that one.
Yup, you're on the high council too.
I might be guilty of barefeet around the house pretty regular but when I go out in the back 40 (okay we really only have 12, but still) I don't get caught without my boots. You know that whole Genesis chapter 3 thing about God putting enmity between the woman and the snake? That's me. Guilty. Need my boots... and my Governor. I don't go out without my Governor. (5 - 410 shells and one .45) We're such good friends I just call him Greg. (After Greg Abbott, our fine gubner, for those non-Texans out there)