Some of our FearBro FReepers may in fact have existing health conditions that give them reason to fear. I’m willing to cut them some slack on that. Though I still maintain that the solution of locking down everyone is neither practical nor sustainable.
I agree 100%. I've seen some posts by said FReepers and sympathize. Keeping the healthy quarantined until Fooch or The Scarf deem everything safe isn't going to fly much longer.
“Some of our FearBro FReepers may in fact have existing health conditions that give them reason to fear.”
I guess DH and I might be in that crowd a bit due to age (over 70) and having had pneumonia in the past. But we remember back in the olden days — 2019 — when we had liberty. And we really LIKED liberty! We’re not going to live in fear, which wouldn’t be living.