Well, as much as I would love for it to be as simple as that, frankly it is not.
First, while you and I know that the CDC is full of crap, you do realize, I hope, that we are in the minority. VERY FEW people followed what was going on in China in relation to what would happen here. They trust our government, at least the government under Trump, non-deep-state businessman, to tell them the truth. Whether the President should have realized the CDC was dishonest, is a different debate...
So basically for the majority of business owners, the CDC was THE authority on this, not us, not the many epidemiologists sounding the alarm, not the armchair epidemiologists, but the CDC that they trusted because it is under Trumps administration, like it or not.
Second. Even for those business owners who may have not necessarily trusted the CDC, there are enormous legal consequences to every decision. This is especially true with a non-healthcare entity making healthcare decisions for employees without CDC guidance. My husband even had to contact legal just to make sure it was ok to check temps.
We live in an incredibly litigious society. If you as a company or business owner tell a person to wear a mask, you have to tell them what kind. If you tell them what kind and you are wrong, you are sued into oblivion if someone gets sick. Thats the crap society we live in. There are people that salivate waiting for class action lawsuits like this against businesses.
So then the small business owner has to decide, do I strike out on my own and recommend something NOT recommended by the CDC, risk being shut down or sued, and in which case, 50-100 employees just lost their jobs including the business owner.
It all looks very easy here in black and white, it is NOT so easy navigating this in the real world. And our company is one of the most employee- centered companies in the US.
And by the way, we are not in some marble mansion making these choices. My husband lives in a tiny trailer in our driveway, making these choices about how to best protect his employees and still ensure they have jobs. Hes wearing the cloth masks and he is out there all day, every day, just like the people that work for him, except he has chosen to put himself in front of the customer more than they do. So this anti-business crap really doesnt fly with me. Id much prefer he quit his job and move back into our house.
“Kindness is infectious in wake of COVID-19 threat; restaurants rally to serve”
A comment on hypoxia in covid and it’s cause. A subject that has come up here.
Really feeling like we’re getting a hand on treatment soon.
Someone has already sued Walmart after one of their employees died from CV.
We know the arguments on both sides.
Let a judge figure it out....
“So basically for the majority of business owners, the CDC was THE authority on this”
True, but it’s not necessarily ‘trust’, it’s liability. If they are doing what the government says, they’re basically immune from being sued. But if they do less (such as ignore social distancing), and someone gets sick, they get sued by their employees. If they do more, and shut down early, then they get sued by shareholders.
It sucks, but it all filters up to the government, but not necessarily because they trust the government to be right.