Well as I see it you’ve got to think and plan ahead as best you know how. When the Governors say they might do this or that I plan according to it actually happening.
I’ve decided not to go shopping during the “Senior” shopping hours because they’re ‘more likely’ to come down with the virus......Instead I check parking lots before I go in to get an idea of how many people might be inside....then I avoid aisle with people which actually makes for interesting shopping.....like trying to dodge potentially armed shooters!
I've been doing the same thing.
The only advantage with the seniors hours is there is far less likely aerosolized virus around.
But when I see someone in an aisle, I head for another one.
“theyre more likely to come down with the virus.”
I have developed a sixth sense that allows me to spot stupid people.
If they look stupid, they are stupid.
And stupid people are more likely to come down with the virus. It’s an axiom.
So far, it’s working.
Any thing that works is OK.
As an example, if you don’t fly you won’t die in a plane crash.
And if you don’t get close to stupid people, you’re very unlikely to catch stupid.