...and half of the patients she ventilates will need chest tubes. Ive seen patients drop a lung over a trip to the CT scan. In fact, when you :manage an ICU you had best be looking for it when they desaturate afterwards.
You guys do have imagination and creativity, though.
Tuesday, parenthetically, I underwent a hip replacement surgery. They gave me a spinal and a sedative, and stuck what felt like a nebulizer face mask over my nose and mouth. All the racket of power screwing and whacking my hip with a hammer and chisel kept waking me up, and I had to manually keep the mask from cutting into my eye, ‘cause it kept getting knocked askew by the vibrations. Both my legs, however, were completely numb throughout.
Bizarrely, this was all done by a top flight orthopedic surgeon and an equally good anesthesiologist, with a department head supervising, and I’m fine, other than the pain and stiffness. Came home Thursday. It would make a great comedy sketch.