I posted the link to the AICPA site but this info is not there yet. The CPA's have been after the IRS to let us know if they are extending due dates. It is important for my practice because I am getting concerned that my employees may not want to be getting exposed to clients right now.
Bad day for the nothing burgers. They said they wouldn’t take it seriously until the IRS moved the date.
The American Institute of CPA’s doesn’t know to capitalize the first word of a sentence or title?
That doesn’t inspire much confidence.
April 15th is always tight for me because I get a few late K-1s every year.
My accountant of many years retired, and I’ve been passed off to someone else at his firm. We’ve made contact, and I was hoping to work with him personally... but that’s not likely, now.
FedEx, email, and phone. The practice is going non-contact, and I don’t blame them a bit.
More gubmint BS. If you are staying home...do your damn taxes. File like you usually do...
This crap is getting really, really ridiculous.
I thought about this the other day. I think it’s a goid idea.
What about business returns due tomorrow?
Probably an extension will be granted, but with interest.
What about State tax returns?
Anyone know about that?
A month out...President Trump is suspending all taxes and closing many federal agencies. Nancy Pelosi is seen behind PREZ tearing up the tax code at this historic event.
IMO best R&R song in American history. YMMV.
If Trump was aggressive he would postpone filing day until November 1st, right before election day. Let everyone file their taxes right before they vote.
The way the government has been throwing money around since I-don’t-know-when, why don’t we just call off income taxation entirely???
There’s a giant sucking sound in the government’s money tub, and a few drops of taxpayer ‘contributions’ are not going to stop THAT
That’s nice...