Ping to you guys
My Kroger is about 8 miles north of yours, looked similar, not quite as bad, as of about 6PM Friday night. I was able to fill up one of those small carts with misc. fun stuff I wanted, already had the major stuff covered from earlier that morning and before.
Costco at opening Friday morning was interesting. Glad I didnt need TP. Did OK there, people were impressed I was buying a case of wine amongst other stuff, wasnt just filling a cart with OMG NEED FOOD AND PAPER PRODUCTS! Spent a solid half hour in the self-checkout line, maybe a tad longer.
Saw the GM on my way out the door (I know him), standing at the edge of the awning talking on his phone or radio. Gave him a thumbs up and a good luck, which he thanked me for, then kept on keeping on, God love him.