Big number is running total, small number is that day, last number is percentage of total.
I don’t know anything about the medical part, but I know a bit about stats, and these look encouraging to me. Today stands are 23 new deaths so far, trends downwards continuing.
Feb. 29 2,977 54 2%
Feb. 28 2,923 65 2%
Feb. 27 2,858 58 2%
Feb. 26 2,800 37 1%
Feb. 25 2,763 64 2%
Feb. 24 2,699 81 3%
Feb. 23 2,618 158 6%
Feb. 22 2,460 100 4%
Feb. 21 2,360 113 5%
Feb. 20 2,247 121 6%
Feb. 19 2,126 117 6%
Feb. 18 2,009 13 6%
Feb. 17 1,873 98 6%
Feb. 16 1,775 106 6%
Feb. 15 1,669 143 9%
Feb 18 percentage above should be .6%, not 6%.
Honestly, the death numbers from Italy and Korea are the ones we want to look at.
The problem with the China numbers is you had to meet the criteria: In the hospital, tested officially, and die in the hospital.
In China, there is no report on all of the causes of death.
And, not to put too fine a point on it...the new head of the CCP in charge of Wuhan declared there wold be no new cases in Wuhan. Or the area leaders would have to answer to her.
All points to consider...not saying you are wrong (like screaming at you), but I trust the West more than China.
Why is it that you trust those numbers?