Hubby is going tomorrow to get a new Ipad Air he’s been wanting for several months. We were going to put it off till after memorial day but decided now might be better than later. I was going to get him one for Christmas but he nixed that because he just couldn’t stand to come off the money then.
Ditto that extra DVD player.
Ditto some new phones for us. Nothing fancy, but the one we share currently is getting dodgy as it’s 5 or 6 years old.
Also bought some windshield wipers and some vitamins and OTC meds. Nothing ‘prepper level’, but a spare bottle won’t hurt and stuff might be a while getting back into the retail channel.
Nothing we wouldn’t have bought anyways, just pushing the timeline up a few months for it.
holycrud you’re in trouble if you call that ‘prepping’
FOOD, WATER, BLANKETS is what you need to worry about
NOT whether you have extra DVD players and other newest electronic gadgets.
What if there is no electricity?