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To: Snowybear
"I think it uses IBM’s Watson as an engine."



During a sizeable segment of my career, I was responsible for providing millions of proprietary high-speed ICs for IBM's machines. They are still an innovative company that is high in my respect spectrum...


1,296 posted on 02/03/2020 2:36:55 PM PST by TXnMA ("Allah": Satan's alias | "Islam": Allah's useful idiots | Brennan & 0b0z0: Islam's useful idiots)
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Video Title: SHOCKER!!! New Content Of Bill Gate Vaccine Exposed
June 24, 2020

Video Duration: 42 minutes
Computer generated transcript of the video below:

They say that a vaccine will be voluntary
just like they said about masks in the
i don’t know how others here feel but
i’m not willing to take an experimental
dna alternating
vaccine that has been fast-tracked past
even the most minimal or no safety
to which routine vaccines adhere because
i know that health
true health comes from sunshine exercise
fresh food
social contact and breathing in as much
oxygen as i possibly can
not from needles or masks are you going
to take the vaccine
what if you want to say no for your
family what about the microchip that
comes after the vaccine
it will be voluntary until it’s not i
i got dragged into the vaccine
as you’re kind of kicking and screaming
because i was going around the country
suing coal burning power plants and
talking about the dangers of mercury
coming from those plants
and almost everywhere i stopped on where
i spoke i
there were women there very eloquent
articulate grounded people who were
saying look
you have to look at the biggest vector
of mercury
in american children now is coming from
vaccines and we need you to look at the
and um i resisted for a long time but i
reading the science after a while and i
i’m very comfortable reading science i
i’ve brought
hundreds and hundreds of successful
lawsuits almost all of them
have involved scientific controversy so
i’m look i’m good i’m i’m comfortable
reading science and dissecting it
and discerning the difference between
junk science and real science
and when i started looking at it uh what
i saw was very alarming which we were
huge amounts of mercury to our children
a lot of it has been taken out of
vaccines but there’s still
an extraordinary amount still in the
vaccine we’ll add that this type of dna
vaccine has
never been used on humans before
let me repeat that please understand
this has never
ever been used on humans before
never they are now proposing to take
something we’ve never
used and to inject it into everyone
vaccine trials are being fast-tracked at
a level at a rate that i have
never seen in my life nor did i ever
expect to see this
they’re skipping over the animal trials
going direct uh thank you my name is
emily coleman i’m from olathe kansas
uh the governor has always said already
said that this is how things are going
to be until there is a vaccine
they say that a vaccine will be
voluntary just like they said about
masks in the beginning
i don’t know how others here feel but
i’m not willing to take an experimental
dna alternating
vaccine that has been fast-tracked past
even the most minimal or no safety
to which routine vaccines appear because
i know that health
true health comes from sunshine exercise
fresh food
social contact and breathing in as much
oxygen as i possibly can
not from needles or masks are you going
to take the vaccine
what if you want to say no for your
family what about the microchip that
comes after the vaccine
it will be voluntary until it’s not 99
of us could never have imagined five
months ago that this is where we’d be
right now what will happen in another
four months when we are that we aren’t
imagining today
what happens to our freedoms if we don’t
push back now
i can’t see people smile i can’t hear
people speak clearly through the math
i say hello and i watch people look down
at the ground desperately trying to
avoid making eye contact
you are intentionally diminishing our
abilities to connect with each other on
personal level your germs don’t scare me
i want to challenge my immune system as
it was designed to be challenged
i’m not a bioterrorist and i will not
consent to mandatory past policy in
public spaces
thank you for your time thank you good
evening serendipity friends
and i hope everyone is healthy and in
good spirits considering these
challenging times
it seems like every day our world cha
changes and it’s difficult to know
what to believe in the media so i hope
that our group has helped introduce some
other bits of information and knowledge
got you to have um feel a little safer
stating your opinion um and i’m really
proud to see a lot of the members start
to post things on their own pages
uh thank you very much because every
little bit counts and i know that it
quite a bit so thank you uh
this particular talk is about copin 19
i really think that this information is
very urgent
and i encourage you to really think
about the things that i’m saying
this is not a new topic for me i’ve
studied these things for
you know 20 years at least about
vaccines so
very familiar with it very passionate
about the information
this one will focus on the copa 19
um whatever you uh find out please share
with your friends and family and on
your social media platforms i know that
facebook gets really
frustrating many times i’ve wanted to
shut it down myself
however we need everybody to stay on and
put out memes and information and that
sort of thing because it does make a
you can’t just have all the negative
things on there so
thanks for helping out on that um before
i begin
i must say that i do not represent any
company or group i am not getting paid
or reimbursed
and the opinions stated are solely mine
this information is not intended to
diagnose or treat any individual if you
have symptoms please see your individual
health care practitioner
again my name is dr kerry mate or kerry
and i’m an internal medicine physician
um osteopathic
trained so i want to start this talk
by saying the most important question
of your life is what does it mean to be
this is very important question um
it’s going to be very important for this
vaccine that’s coming up and so let me
introduce some basic facts first and
then i will give you some information
about what has been going on
since we’ve been distracted on the media
give you some of the conclusions in the
end and then
as far as some of the data that i’m
going to present i
will give you some references that you
could look up on your own
give me a day or two day or two to put
those on the group’s
album page okay so first of all some
information to digest
each of us has enough dna in our bodies
that could stretch
up to 10 billion miles when uncoiled
that’s about 35 000 terabytes of data
which is about 35 million
hours of high definition video
so what information would this hold the
blueprint for life
how to create it how your body functions
how it grows how it reproduces
our thoughts and memories just to begin
with some of those
uh also important to know that dna is
similar to a computer code or binary
so if you’re familiar with those where
it takes a small
change in the pattern or code and will
have a very grand effect
so you can insert a genome or gene
sorry into the genome so you can put
something extra in there you can take
something out so it’s missing one
you can translocate meaning you take one
part of the genome and put it into
another area
and you know flip flop them or you can
take another
synthetic or from another organism a
in and cut out part of the genome of the
human and insert that other genome in
um when you’re doing this you are
rewriting your genetic code you are
writing your software program
and how much change of that code
would it take to then be considered not
and is that ethical and legal we whether
or not we
know what’s going on okay these are very
things to discuss because they’re trying
to roll out this technology within this
this is also considered to be an
engineered cell line
or synthetic cell line or genetically
modified cell line
those are all different words that might
be used you have to understand the lingo
it can be confusing what someone’s
trying to talk about
an interesting point is that we cannot
patent anything
natural or from nature but we can patent
something that’s been created modified
or engineered a good example is monsanto
it can genetically modify the seeds
therefore it’s created
something a little different you may see
the corn
or the tomato or whatever in the grocery
store it looks the same
as a wild type but it’s not they change
something so on the outside it looks the
same but on the inside it’s not
so that therefore they control they own
those seeds
now if it’s a wild type one that just
grows from nature they cannot
patent that they can’t own that okay
so you know translate that or
transpose that onto a human cell line or
a human
that could potentially mean that we
could be patented or
human cell lines could be patented and
if it’s patented it has to have owners
so i think you might see where i’m going
with this
and then what if our dna is modified
with genes from another species are we
still human
is this transhumanism and then what if
our dna our genome is modified
and thus can be patented and owned this
is not a sci-fi movie it or a future
event this is
right now today this is called
recombinant dna and recombinant rna
technology and this is what is proposed
for copin 19 vaccine
the coronavirus copen19 vaccines are
designed to make us into genetically
modified organisms
that is the same lingo and terminology
used for monsanto seeds
okay so the front runners for this
recombinant dna
technology are inovio which is backed by
the gates foundation
glaxosmithkline and sanofi
also moderna is in there too now but
and that’s also a gates-backed
i will add that this type of dna vaccine
has never been used on humans before
let me repeat that please understand
this has never
ever been used on humans before
never they are now proposing to take
something we’ve never
used and to inject it into everyone
vaccine trials are being fast-tracked at
a level at a rate that i have
never seen in my life nor did i ever
expect to see this
they are skipping over the animal trials
going directly to human trials
they are not using good scientific
methodology at all
they have no randomized
placebo-controlled trials for any
vaccine which is
the gold standard for any therapy to be
approved by the fda
they’re not following any sound
scientific protocol
to make sure this is safe for us to make
sure everything would work for us
to know anything about it and they want
to inject it into everybody
the vaccine manufacturers in general are
actually exempt
from product liability meaning if it
seizures paralysis etc they don’t as a
are liable okay they also are exempted
from randomized controlled trials
they’re doing this with the cova 19
vaccine but they’re also doing this
uh with other vaccines recently where
they can just say well we’ve had the mmr
vaccine before we don’t need to do that
you might have tweeted a little bit it’s
still the same thing
what kind of you know mindset is that i
i can’t believe that because just a
little change can make
a big difference also they’re exempted
from needing evidence to prove that
these things will do what they say they
will do
so for instance they just have to prove
that the vaccine is producing antibodies
okay just because you have antibodies
does not make you immune to something
we don’t know that for a fact we don’t
know if it really would work
out in the population of people a real
study a good study would show that it
actually works in the population of
they’re not doing that they say they
don’t have time
so it may not work at all okay so let’s
ask ourselves what is the purpose then
so another important fact to know about
all vaccines is that many of them are
using the mrc5 aborted fetal cell lines
from the 1960s
this is an immortalized cell line
immortalized means it does not die in
other words it is
a cell that has lost the ability to go
through apoptosis
and a cell that cannot go through that
death process is called
cancer that is a definition of cancer so
they’re trying to use a lot of
words for you not to realize you’re
using a cancerous cell
another term for aborted fetal cells are
diploid cells
and they have other terms for them but
i’m just giving you the two main ones
they’ll use if you look at the list of
some of the vaccines that are using
these cancerous cell lines are
mmr measles months rubella chickenpox
shingles hepatitis a and b poliovacs
and others now i just want to put this
point in because people always tell me
what you’re saying is fantastical
there’s no way this is going on
absolutely not
i trust our government i trust our
companies i trust bill gates
you’re saying false information
i just want to tell you that many many
physicians and researchers have tried to
get this information to the public
for many years and have been silenced
one way or the other
many of my colleagues have tried to do
that i know i have tried my best
so we have tried to bring this to the
public it’s not
when there’s money behind it it doesn’t
work you know the media is controlled
so this is why you don’t see healthcare
professionals and other researchers
speak up
more you see some still but you don’t
see the group of us
because the we don’t feel like we have
freedom of speech
um just wanted to go on an italian
report uh
backed by the government of italy and a
group of scientists called corvilla
we’ll give you a reference to that later
gave us conclusions about some of the
vaccines i just mentioned
their group of scientists state that
these vaccines have the potential to
increase oncogenesis meaning increased
risk of cancers
increased risk of mutagenesis or mutant
what that would exactly mean i don’t
know either
increased risk of transmitting live
infections this has been well known
they also a lot of times would have a
bacteria that’s a contaminant or
mycoplasma pneumonia is a very common
as a contaminant this really has nothing
to do
supposedly with the vaccine itself
but they are in there so you are getting
an infection on top
of the vaccine so folks
telling you just this part this could be
or possibly the potential to be used as
a bio weapon
right they are injecting cancers into
your body
along with very toxic substances like
mercury derivatives
and aluminum derivatives and other
things like that in addition to the
effect of the combination and
of these vaccines together any
synergistic effect that happens
for instance if you have one vaccine
with a known amount of side effects and
another one with its known
amount of side effects you put them
together in a human’s body
within a some time of a time frame
it’s not just like a plus b equals
a and b the two together
can have a synergistic effect and have a
hundred times more
detrimental side effects than just
what you would imagine right so we don’t
know this there haven’t been any studies
done on us
the pediatric population is definitely
the most susceptible
due to their immaturity of their immune
systems which would be common sense
so let’s go back to the topic of why the
vaccines are being pushed so heavily on
us if the current research and evidence
for using them is flawed
so let’s follow the money and that
usually will give you some
better ideas so in 2011 uh the german
curevac was um it was given 33 million
dollars for their research and
development of rna vaccines
then in 2013 moderna therapeutics
was given 25 million for their research
and development of rna vaccines
then in 2015 and novio was given 45
million for their dna vaccines
which they also uh mentioned admitting
to using dna
nano technology nanotechnology is
using microscopic very tiny little
organisms okay um
all of these companies are backed by the
gates foundation or have been
associated with the gates foundation in
some way
it’s important to note that so far these
companies have been
unable to get these products licensed
for human use
due to the fact that these vaccines have
failed to
provide sufficient immunity in human
sufficient immunity is again only
that you have a certain amount of
antibodies this again
is not showing that the person is
completely immune
out in the public to whatever virus
or bacteria they’re trying to protect
you from it’s only looking
in uh in vitro in a test tube how many
antibodies this is not
good science yet to prove the efficacy
of these vaccines
even if they could get this in 2010
darpa which is the pentagon’s defense
advanced research projects agency
military agency is folk started focusing
on dna and rna vaccines
and they had a synthetic dna vaccine
that could be delivered via non-invasive
electroporation which is using kind of a
sticker with the
micro needles in it on your skin you can
barely feel it go in there
and in their words in quotations
it is is to enhance and subvert
end of quotations humans at a genetic
this is around the same year bill gates
heavily started to fund the dna rna
with the companies mentioned before in
darpa acknowledges a brain machine
that is ai artificial intelligence and
the human brain
will form a neural network and therefore
have the ability to communicate by
thought alone or being influenced or
controlled remotely okay
so this is the idea you go into maybe
your smart home
think about turning on the air condition
of the fan as your favorite program
have the stove start cooking something
who knows what
and it happens because it’s wi-fi
that sounds cool right but think about
if it’s going one way it’s coming back
another way
what if the smart home can give you
messages too
uh this all ties in together so bear
with me
so another darpa program um around that
time is
next gen nanotechnology n3 program
and it involves non-invasive or
minimally invasive brain
computer interfaces to read and write
onto your brain do you understand what
this means
i’m laughing because it’s blowing my
mind away still even though i’ve
known about this for a while read and
write directly they are
rewriting what’s happening in your brain
your memories your thoughts
now people think this is exciting it’s
the matrix it’s literally the matrix i
want to learn karate
download it i know karate your body
would know how to do it
i want to learn how to be a french
cuisine chef
download it instantly i can do that i
can learn a language
probably within days or one day i don’t
so that’s that part sounds cool you
think you can control this something
else is controlling you something else
rewriting your emotions your experiences
you may have artificial memories of
things you don’t know what is reality
you become
a computer program you become a
character in a computer program that you
you do not control this is not
sci-fi this is today
this all ties in so also to note that
darpa funded a company that produced
that produces soft flexible hydrogels
that mention hydrogels in the past
injected beneath the skin to perform
health monitoring
important you hear this they sync to a
app to give the user immediate health
however hydrogel nanotechnology grows
and spreads in the body once implanted
we do not know how this affects our dna
we know that it can send information
directly and continuously to an
artificial intelligence
okay so all of us on the smartphone mine
included we have health apps
one way or the other it’s in your phone
sometimes you have to look under a
google app whatever it’s there
you can disable it but you can’t erase
it it’s impossible
this is the coping 19 apps you’re
putting in too it has to do with this
they’re getting you set up you have the
app you have the software
now all you need is this little hydrogel
that’s put there
and then forever everything in your body
is monitored
your for a woman your ovulation when you
menstruate how many times you’ve had sex
for a man how many times you’ve had sex
um how much alcohol contents in your
body all the vitamins and minerals
if you’ve fallen down how many steps
you’re taking if you’re anxious your
your sleep every they know everything
about you continuously
it’s going to an ai program what is that
that’s something they’re trying to do
very fast they’re already getting you
set up on your smartphone this is not
fantasy this is real
so in conclusion we are entering into
uncharted territory that can change what
it means to be human
the vaccines for copa 19 copit19 are not
safe by any scientific methodology
they’re introducing cancerous and
mutagenic cell lines into our bodies
and have been for a long time they’re
introducing toxins into our bodies this
has been going on for a long time
introducing different animal genomes
into our body this has been going on for
a long time
they do not have proof that what they do
what they do what they said they’re
going to do will happen there’s
absolutely no proof
yet okay they don’t have to have the
the recombinant rna recombinant dna
technology will cause
permanent and unknown genetic changes in
a person’s body
permanent once they their dna has
changed he
or she will live with that change for
the rest of their lives
and also the ripple effects from that
genetic change who knows what they could
be for the rest of his or her life
there’s no going back it’s not like oh
my god that vaccine didn’t work you know
i won’t do it again no it’s just do or
die with this i
i don’t know and i don’t think they
whoever is trying to market this
really knows the ultimate outcome
but it doesn’t sound good essentially
this creates a new species
and perhaps destroys an old one us us as
humans that we know
it’s also introducing nanotechnology and
its robotic effects into the body
this is all suggesting the ability to
use this vaccine and its ancillary
things i mentioned just now
and then these some of the names are
like id 2020 etc to hook up
to hook us all up to an artificial
interface this is not a one-way street
it’s a two-way street
so i know it’s a lot of information to
and scares me it has scared me for our
years i’ve been to scientific meetings
where they’ve talked about this
i’ve been to business meetings where
they talk about this this is real it’s
not fantasy
i’ve studied this since i was my early
it’s real and uh we have to speak up now
for us for our families for future
for the human race it’s no joke guys
please do your own research as much as
you can
and start talking and talking and don’t
stop the social media
stay on all of it and you start flooding
the social media with us we have a
chance if we start to wake up more
it’s with greatest love and peace i tell
you this
and i’m happy to talk about other topics
and subjects and i’ll give you these
references that i have
um so tell me what you think
uh and uh please speak up
okay good evening
everybody dr scott prominent from
historic marietta georgia actually i’m
from my home in kennesaw
georgia but i wanted to give and uh this
share on vaccines
um man oh man oh man this is huge
and all you naysayers what are you going
to do now
dell big tree dr andrew wagefield
and robert f k jr kennedy jr wow
all the work that they’ve been doing all
the hard work has now come down
to a massive massive win as
of today okay so what is everybody going
to say now about these vaccines
so i want to read off a little bit about
where this came from
and what it has to say in a big win on
what are we going to do now in this
country with all these laws that have
been changed in past and what is
california going to do
you know donald trump just mentioned the
other day how he wanted a fight now
to change for the right of the american
people to choose their health care
to choose whether they want vaccines or
not so it’s his breaking news vaccine
mark anthony boyer government funding
was pulled from gates foundation the
world health organization
ncdc center of disease control
united states government lost a landmark
vaccine lawsuit
huge huge lost a vaccine lawsuit
big lawsuit lost united states vaccine
injury lawyer
robert f kennedy jr dell big tree
producer of the suppressed vaccine
documentary facts
which i sponsored here i was one of the
main sponsors here in atlanta georgia
and i can’t thank you know so many
people that were involved
you know tia savino did such a great job
putting that together
um in in the theaters and getting it out
there and making it
known what’s going on with these
vaccines and all these damaged children
especially against the gardasil vaccine
and all the garbage
that’s in that um so i mentioned
dell big tree and then of of course you
can’t forget dr
andrew wakefield and all that uh vax
and the info consent action network i
are credited with this victory okay and
a uh a link here i will post later with
this here
they demanded that relevant government
documents providing
proving that all federally approved
vaccines have been tested
for quality over the past 32 years and
were none zero zilch nada
no proof no proof showing that these
were safe
at all they lost that battle that means
all these years that have been fought
and everybody’s been all doctors like me
and and and all these other docs good
docs that sharing the good word
about how dangerous these vaccines again
i will say it all the time
i’m not anti-vaxxed i’m anti-stupidity
i’ve been saying it for years
okay dr bhutar was saying it the other
day he’s not anti-vaccines
anti-stupidity again
because you got to put on the thinking
cap here folks of what’s in this garbage
finally approve this stuff here here
are the huge legal and practical
implications in this victory for the
american people
this means that united states department
of health and human services
and all vaccine makers have been
deceiving the american people for over
30 years
about the effectiveness and safety of
this may ultimately ultimately mean
that continuing existence at least in
their current form
of five u.s health care agencies is now
in doubt
the cdc the fda the iom the nhi
the nih and the health part of dhhs
itself gump understand that dr fauci and
gates foundation have been trying to get
congress to pass a law that all american
must take their vaccines before being
able to fly
or return to work which is insane i told
people last year in october when i was
in anaheim
that that kind of stuff is looking to
come and to get past
okay that you’re not going to be able to
renew your driver’s license if you don’t
get vaccinated
you’re not going to be able to fly out
of the country you’re not going to be
able to update
on on your on your passport your
driver’s license
all these things are going to come to
fruition and here we are that they
they are quoted stating that this is
what they wanted the gates foundation
supported by george soros
is being sued by a number of government
and health foundations in various cities
is is being allegedly responsible for
hundreds and thousands of deaths
in china and african nations
now there is proof that at very least
their vaccines have never been tested
wow i mean i mean what do you say
all you parents out there all you
followers out there know all you
fighters for the for the right for the
freedom of true science
that you’ve been out there and all your
friends and all your family’s been
telling you’re out of your mind
all these md’s shame on them all shame
on them for
stating how safe they are with no true
science and making all of us look like
we’re freaking crazy and out of our damn
that you don’t know what you’re talking
about you’re not a real doctor you’re
not this or you’re just a person you
don’t know better you’re a regular
layman you don’t know about this stuff
it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to
understand that when you put detergents
and you put petroleums and you put
formaldehyde and you put things in there
pig urine or human dna species of
human dna into vaccines which we know
now is to be true more than ever before
everybody was making you look like
you’re crazy or get away from that
person they’re out of their mind
all they really now now what
it’s like you turn around you got a mic
in your hand you like boom you drop the
mic what you got left to say
but it is just the beginning isn’t it
but what are they gonna do now with all
these laws that they did
you know that they put into place now
and all these families that are
uprooting and moving because the laws
that have changed
and everything that’s going on out there
what are they going to do with that
what is going to come from this is this
going to be a staple
i can tell you now this is a big big
and a notch you know thank god for fidel
big tree and robert f kennedy jr and
and dr wakefield for fighting and
putting so many hard houses hours
thousands of hours into this
to prove to everyone that these vaccines
have not been
safe it’s not proven there are no
double-blinded placebo testing on the
135 vaccines that they give kids out
there today
to make you go to school and and go go
to work and travel and all this business
all we’ve been asking for is true
science true science show me the double
placebo test
show me that the stuff that you’re
putting all this toxic crap in these
in these babies in adults into children
into women
into men and all this stuff traveling
all over show us that it’s safe
where where where where and everybody’s
like yo you’re out of your mind
if it was dangerous they would never do
that to us really now linking to autism
big time autism here cancer disease
arthritis all these other things and how
about recently the reports now that are
coming out
in your flu shots over the past 10 or 15
linked to hiv that they put traces of
hiv into these vaccines
you feel good about that your flu shot
do you
i’ve been telling everybody with the flu
shot what happens with most people that
get the flu shot this is no new news
most people get the flu shot get what
they get the flu
if this isn’t brain science you know the
same brain surgery here you know what i
you got six to nine viruses in a shot
thousands in the air that you’re hoping
that it matches it doesn’t work
years ago it used to have to go to your
regular md to get to to get that
to get a prescription or whatever to see
your doctor then it went that you they
started discounting it then you went you
can you can go somewhere off the cuff
and go get a flu shot
and then you go to your local cvs or
whatever your walgreens and go get it
for a couple bucks
now they give it away for free do you
not see how they want to push it they
got to get it out did it because they
were losing ground
they knew it all along they were losing
i don’t know what it takes for people to
see if you got poison
here and somebody says i just want you
to take it it’s only trace
and it will it won’t hurt you’ll be okay
would you just take it off the plate and
do it
you would never do that why would you do
that to your baby does it make sense for
a hepatitis b
shot on a newborn do you
do most of you know out there what
hepatitis b is for
that is sharing needles drug users drug
having sex are these babies doing any of
this at the day of birth
they want to jack your son or your
daughter up this brand new healthy baby
with a hepatitis b shot really does that
make any sense to anyone and
all the ingredients that are in it
i was mocked by tons of doctors and
nurses on twitter i never go on twitter
but i went and shared on twitter anyway
this was a couple months ago
they bitched and moaned so much what i
had to say
about mercury and aluminum being a
neurotoxin and how it increases the
brain and swells the brain
you should have heard the flack that i
got from all these medical people
telling me
that they’re not neurotoxins i’m like
that ends conversation with me
that’s like physiology 101
how do you as a medical doctor with all
your treatment all your studying all the
money the 200 20 50
000 that you spend 10 years of education
don’t know a simple thing that aluminum
and mercury is a neurotoxin that it will
flame the brain why do you think they
polysorbate adiama in there with that so
that it passes the blood brain barrier
and gets into your brain and inflames
the brain
the brain per se cannot sweat outside
the skull when you run a new jog and
your head is sweating
that’s not your brain sweating that’s
the skin in the muscle that surrounds it
so when you inflame that brain you cramp
when you cramp it you get problems this
is where the head pain
all these kids talk about head pain
headaches dizziness fatigue
that’s where it comes from and you we
all know that aluminum in the gut and
the mercury in the gut interferes with
it’s called cigar s-i-g-a which is in
the lining of the intestinal wall
how it erodes that and penetrates and
gets in and pollutes the bloodstream
now you’re talking about between the
blood the the gut and the blood-brain
barrier here
the the connection 80 to 80 to 85
percent of serotonin is developed
in your gut not your brain now you’re
fooling with that transmission to the
frontal lobe
what is the frontal lobe responsible for
mood and tude
why do you think if these kids are like
freaking zombies after time you take
away the emotion
so you want to drug them up and then you
put them into school and you feed them
school lunch that’s loaded with all the
with all the sugar and refined carbs and
all this crap and 30 minutes later when
they’re getting the bump in the rush and
then they get into class
and then they drop you wonder why
they’re not paying attention
so what is what is what are these school
teachers and god bless the teachers
to say you’re not working hard because
i’m a firm believer i just got
patients tons of patients that are
teachers they work hard
but some teachers will turn around say
oh they need little and they need to
terror they need adderall they need this
than that because
they’re not concentrating no it’s the
diet and the gut
you’re polluting it and you’re
interfering with the brain transmission
from the gut
that’s what’s happening there this is
what people need to open up
this is for years del big tree and
andrew wakefield
have been screaming kennedy jr been
screaming about
how people need to open up the mind pay
attention to what’s in a vaccine
you take this baby into your
pediatrician by right by law you have
the right to look at that
form before you sign and consent
you have the right to ask questions is
this safe can you show me where the
studies are
you have a right to ask these things
they work for you you don’t work for
them it’s that simple it’s not that hard
it’s not you’ve got to open up here and
open up in here
to say i i trust what i’m about to ask
i deserve a real good honest answer
it’s that simple this isn’t again i say
all the time it’s not brain surgery
it is so superficial you just you just
got to be strong you got to believe in
yourself what you want for your children
that’s what you just just go with it and
i promise you you start hearing them
and one of the big things that they do
is they like to get you into their
office with the door open
to get a nurse in there to be a witness
you know what thank you very much for
the witness
i’ll tell you what i’m doing i’m turning
on my phone and i’m going to record this
because that’s my witness that’s what
you do they don’t like it you get up you
walk out they can’t arrest you for
out not yet and maybe never according to
this new rule
right take charge of yourself in
all you’re asking is for proof it’s not
that you you hate vaccines it’s not that
you’re saying i’ll never take one
there’s place in time for certain things
there’s no
question i just want to see that it’s
safe is that so much to ask for
it’s that simple don’t sweat it and all
you naysayers
all you naysayers beating up your
you grandparents beating up your
children or you chilling
beating up your parents vice versa goes
both ways don’t it
you got the grandparents that care about
their grandchildren and trying to teach
the adult of that baby that these
vaccines are dangerous and you’re
telling them all there’s no such thing
and that they would never do that
and vice versa this is about
working together about getting an
understanding there is no right or wrong
there’s not somebody more right or wrong
than the other you just want an
equilibrium to get an understanding that
makes sense
in a family that’s isn’t this
all that’s going on right now isn’t this
coming to fruition and to be true
up here wants all of us down here to
they want you to not agree they want it
to be split and divided
so they can keep doing what they’re
doing in and they’re all like this where
all the strings connected to all of us
little puppets beneath
and keep pushing it and pushing it to
get you to believe what they want
not true just look up the ingredients
folks at should end
any conversation
it should end any conversation
does any of it sound right aluminum
mercury pig urine human dna
human dna from aborted baby fetal cells
you want that does that sound right into
a newborn perfect child
really does it make sense
immunity a best the best immunity comes
from the mama from breast milk
you ain’t gonna beat it they can’t
duplicate it it’s the way god has
intended it
and they’re never gonna change there
isn’t a powder a juice or anything on
the market that’s going to beat mom’s
breast milk
ever place in time to do other things
when things can’t work when moms can’t
produce in other things
okay that’s why i tell all parents
before you get pregnant do a cleanse to
the body
i put patients on my 21 day purification
get cleansed get clean clean that system
we you know people say you are what you
eat i say you are what you can
if this gut in here if this section here
is not working then the rest of your
body’s not getting the expression from
the foods
of what you’re eating and what you’re
drinking so i tell mothers that are
getting ready to get pregnant
do a cleanse cleanse the kidneys cleanse
the liver
the small and large bowel get the junk
out get the garbage out
so now that when you get pregnant and
clean foods and things that you’re
and drinking that’s what you’re giving
this baby every day
so you work so hard to be so clean so
right so tight and everything else
but all these parents go out and inject
when i’ve been saying for years
these guys have been saying for years
all of you
out there that have been telling your
friends and family for years
it’s not safe it’s not this it’s true
it’s true right here it’s true

1,297 posted on 07/24/2020 4:02:19 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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