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To: weston; hoosiermama; exit82; Rusty0604; Lakeside Granny; Jane Long; All

Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️

Now that the Impeachment is over we need to explore the real reasoning why ...realDonaldTrump has reasons to be skeptical of this new President Zelensky. This comedian who came out of nowhere to topple the regime and become the head of the nation in Ukraine.

Now people are going bonkers over this new Beck YouTube video, and it's quite the visual production, and a great sounding board. But if you have been paying attention, none of this is new news.

JSolomonReports has been all over this for months, he just doesn't have a staff artist draw a bunch of graphics up on chalkboards and have a lot of dramatic music in a studio. John works out of his vehicle and has a podcast, and appears on Hannity.

SaraCarterDC has also reported quite a lot on Ukraine and the Bidens but it's been Solomon and what...




have been doing on the ground in Ukraine are second to none. So thanks for the links to Beck but he's repeating news not breaking it.

Don't get me wrong, Beck is a great sounding board and has a huge following, and this stuff needs to be exposed far & wide so Beck keep at it, open the eyes of anyone who will listen, the Bidens are bad, but they are just the tip of the iceberg to what is really going on.

But Hunter Biden is important because he's the weak link in this chain, & Rudy knows it, that's the reason he's so focused on him, It's how Rudy took down the mob, he found the weak link and exploited it.

They know Hunter is weak, he's compromised and he will be key in the takedown. If I were him I'd take some of that money and hire some serious security, because he's expendable as well & this is going to get rough.

He's the link upward to the heavy hitter and daddy won't be able to protect him. So l expect things to start to really heat up post this impeachment hoax and the turnover at the State Dept in Ukraine that will be more accommodating on visas to come to the US to testify.

I'm going to cut through all the dramatic music and built up drama, and instead of flashing documents on camera and not sharing them with the audience to examine, I'm going to provide the actual documents, so you can see for yourself. Let's do this!

First off none of this was any big secret if you knew where to look. I like to monitor Radio Free Europe for news. They are a great source and it's who people like AP & Reuters grab their stories from. Radio Free Europe is pretty balanced.

Now Solomon broke this story last year about Latvia flagging and wanting to investigate Burisma and the suspect financial transfers going on.

For whatever reason Solomon didn't supply the document he describes either maybe hadn't obtained a hard copy yet, not really sure, but I found it. The Latvia FIU (Financial Investigative Unit) has a huge database of documents.

The Latvian gov't noticed “suspicious” transactions involving Hunter Biden & several of his colleagues at Burisma, according to a document released by Solomon from the Latvian Office for Prevention of Laundering of Proceeds Derived from Criminal Activity.

I've marked up this document to show what I've been describing>p>

The OPLPDCA in Latvia wrote to Ukraine on February 18, 2016, telling officials there that the office “is currently investigating the suspicious activity of Burisma Holdings Limited.”

Latvia said it traced $14.6 million received by Burisma from Wirelogic Technology AS as payments for loan agreements between July 2012 and July 2014.

The money was “partially transferred” from a Burisma account to Biden and three colleagues, including fellow American Devon Archer, who also sat on Burisma’s board for a number of years.

Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Joe Biden pressured Ukraine into firing in 2016, told RudyGiuliani



of One America News that the Latvia document & other such documents made it impossible for him to simply shut down a probe into Burisma.

Shokin was first asked to by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, But after Joe Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in IMF loans he was fired by Poroshenko.

Latvian authorities asked Ukrainian counterparts for any evidence about the funds possibly being used for corrupt purposes but Arturs Saburovs, the third secretary at the Latvian embassy in Washington, told Solomon that Latvia didn’t receive any evidence back from Ukraine.

According to Rudy the US Embassy was pressuring the Ukraines to not cooperate, and were protecting Hunter Biden and Burisma.

Saburovs said it didn’t appear as if his country alerted US authorities, even as 3 of the 4 people named in the letter were Americans.

Rudy Giuliani, told

ChanelRion of One America News that the money transactions were “classic money laundering.

Rudy has since put up his own YouTube channel with videos where he describes all of this.

“It goes from Ukraine to Latvia it’s disguised as a loan to another company, Wirelogic, I believe it then goes to Cyprus, it’s disguised as another loan. Then it’s dispersed as payment of board fees.

Now you don’t make two loans to pay board fees unless you’re laundering the money,” in Rudy's opinion.

Now as I underlined on the document notice that this “Wirelogic Technology AS” is in "Belize". Now if you know anything about banking in Belize they became the go to for offshore accounts after the Cayman Banks became cooperative with the IRS and the US Gov't in general.

Lots of people stash money in Belize. Wirelogic Technology AS is nothing more than a shell company with three bank accounts attached to it. Same goes for “Digitex Organization LLP” listed as being in the UK.

Now Trump was facing impeachment because of a request in July to Zelensky to “look into” allegations of corruption surrounding the Bidens, which Democrats said is an abuse of office since Joe Biden is running for POTUS in 2020. That's ending soon Biden is in a nosedive.

State Dept employees told lawmakers during impeachment hearings that there were concerns about what Giuliani was doing, but also expressed fears about Hunter Biden’s position in Ukraine while Joe Biden as VP was leading official US gov't policy in the country.

George Kent, deputy assistant secretary of state, said he took concerns to Biden’s office but the concerns weren’t acted upon. At one point, he intervened that year to stop a project that had developed between the department and Burisma.

“Burisma had a poor reputation in the business, and I didn’t think it was appropriate for the US Gov't to be co-sponsoring something with a company that had a bad reputation,” Kent said under oath at the impeachment hearing.

Asked if she concurred with Kent on the Bidens and Burisma, Marie Yovanovitch told the HPSCI: “I think that it could raise the appearance of a conflict of interest.” That's it? Just the appearance of a conflict? Yeah bullshit and we know it.

Yovanovitch has been running blocker for them in Ukraine since she set foot in the country. Almost like she's done this before?!? Hmm. Weren't the Clinton in on the Somalia USAID through CGI? Them and several Soros NGOs.

But was that really the reason they were all torqued up? As I said before Solomon has been all over this Ukraine thing for a while.

Emails received by Solomon under FOIA showed that Burisma representatives tried to pressure State Department employees in 2016 to stop corruption allegations against Burisma through a PR firm called BlueStar Novelli

Sent: Mon.29th Feb.2016..12:43:18..0500...Released in part...cleared with EUR.

Subject: RE:Burisma


Appreciate it. U/S Novelli's meeting is tomorrow afternoon-so would be great to get something today if at all possible.

Sent:Friday,Feb.26th,2016 5:58 PM



Not yet. I will ask again.


This email is UNCLASSIFIED....Declassified by Donald K. Holm, Senior Reviewer, October 9, 2019

Sent:Friday, Feb.26,2016..3:07.PM



Checking in with you as to whether you have anything back from Post on this.


Best,(A blank block)

Sent: Wed.Feb. 24th,2016.5:15.PM


(A blank block)We will send it to Post overnight. My goal is to have an answer for you by Friday morning our time. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or need further information.

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State..No. F-2019-057778..Doc No. C06821138..Date: 10/30/2019.NIKK..I had to type myself..sorry for any would not let me cope this document on twitter.

In mid-March that year, the department’s top official for Ukraine called for Shokin’s ouster and Joe Biden forced Poroshenko to oust Shokin a few weeks later. Now look back at the date on the Latvia letter 2/18/16 what was going on then as well?

Well just days prior to the Latvia letter hitting in Shokins office, the IMF was in town making threats about Aid money being withheld.

A new $1.7 billion installment from the current $17.5 billion IMF bailout program had been delayed since October, 2015. You read that right almost $18 million dollars in in AID. This thing is way bigger than what is being told.

When asked about the status of negotiations and whether the ongoing governmental crisis affects them, IMF's Vacher says that "it is an ongoing process," without naming any specific dates or deadlines.

Now another key player in this is AndriyUkraineTe

I suggest you follow him because he will be a key witness when all this goes down. He was in the meeting at the White House when Barry and Joe were calling for the Ukraine prosecutors to back off Burisma.

Now everyone and their dog has seen Joe's braggin video, but that's not really what got the door slammed on the Burisma case, that's just another Corn Pop joe story. It was that Meeting in the White House that got it done.

Shokin was fired in a few days from then and the probe into Burisma was closed within a year after Shokin was axed, However Zelensky’s new top prosecutor has a team reviewing cases closed in the past, including the Burisma investigation or at least that's what they claim.

Ruslan Ryaboshapka, the prosecutor, said in November 2019 that the probe into the founder of Burisma was widening to include embezzlement of state funds. And where does that lead?

So where were the billions in IMF AID that was mostly made up of USAID money aka your tax dollars? It was going into a "nationalized" bank by the name of PrivatBank.

Sounds good right?

Well in the past when they were a "Private" bank they have huge accounting issues, mainly they have a habit of billions coming up missing.

Well now a lot of people have claimed the previous Ukraine President was corrupt, and perhaps he is. There is a lot of evidence both ways, the whole country is a cesspool of corruption.

However Poroshenko warned that a court decision declaring the nationalization of a major bank was illegal could pose great risks to Ukraine if the bank is returned to its previous owner, oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskiy.

So this Bank has been clicking along basically as a pass through for billion in AID for Ukraine. Shady accounting that makes Bernie Madoff look like a saint. Well on 9/11/19 the authorities came a calling.

So they raided the headquarters of PrivatBank, Ukraine's largest bank, as part of a criminal investigation the same day that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) arrived for talks on starting a new lending program.

For those not familiar with the IMF, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization headquartered in Washington DC, consisting of "189 countries" working to foster global monetary cooperation, so they say.

They claim they promote secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world while periodically depending on the "World Bank" for its resources.

What is this "World Bank"? Well the World Bank is headquartered at 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC. You can throw a rock and hit Capitol Hill if you have a decent arm. And who is their biggest depositor? You got it, The US Treasury. Tax Money.

So how exactly "Nationalized" was this PrivaBank? Good Question. Before the bank was nationalized in December 2016 shares of PJSC CB "PrivatBank" were distributed among 21 individuals (99.794% of the total number of shares) and 5 legal entities (0.206%).

Over 98% of shares were owned by two shareholders: Hennadiy Boholubov (23 773,384 shares or 49.027% of the total number) and Ihor Kolomoyskyi (23 834,849 shares or 49.154%). Boholubov and Kolomoyskyi were also members of the bank's Supervisory Board.

Well they had a big investigation and while this was going on the IMF put a hold on the installments of the $18 billion in AID I talked about before. But what happened to the 6 or 7 Billion US Dollars they had already been given? another good question.

In January 2018, Kroll's (a company that provides consulting services and investigates cases of fraud, bribery, and corruption) investigation results were published, which confirmed that before the nationalisation.

PrivatBank had been the subject of large-scale and coordinated fraudulent actions, resulting in losses of $7 billion and at least $5.5 billion of it was USAID!!!! SO WTF happened to all that money?

Well Kroll's found that Boholubov and Kolomoyskyi were siphoning off the funds to acquire assets and finance the businesses of the ex-shareholders and their affiliated persons. Guess who is a huge stake holder in Burisma?

Ihor Kolomoyskyi.

That's right this olighard that seems to be stealing billions in USAID. They used PrivaBank to hide the funds’ sources of origin, textbook money laundering.

Concealing the sources and the real purpose of loans, the lack of a substantiated link between the person who repays the loan and the original borrower, as well as the widespread use of offshore companies.

A bank within a bank.

Boholubov and Kolomoyskyi created a shadow banking structure within PrivatBank. It ensured conducting payments and contributed to the flow of funds in favour of parties related to the former shareholders.

This secret scheme involved hundreds of employees of PrivatBank.

The structure and management of loans. The shadow banking structure managed the corporate loan portfolio of related parties.

It controlled the provision of new loans that were commonly used to repay the principal and interest of related parties’ existing loans (cyclical re-lending).

It provided transactions to hide the source and true purpose of loan funds, creating the impression of being a regular customer-oriented bank. The balance.

Before the December 2016 nationalisation, over 95% of the corporate loan portfolio was provided to parties related to former shareholders and groups of affiliated persons.

At the end of 2016, 75% of the loan portfolio was consolidated in loans to thirty-six borrowers related to former shareholders and groups of affiliated persons. Most of them are not repaid and are overdue, resulting in the bank's losses amounting to at least 7 billion USD.

Hunter Biden is a pimple on the big fat ass of a huge multi billion dollar USAID scandal. That's why these sorry pieces of shit are fighting so hard to protect this cokehead that can't pour piss out of a boot with the instruction on the sole.


Now Glenn Beck came up with a theory I've yet to see any evidence of "YET" but it's very very plausible. Beck thinks that Barry was financing an unauthorized war via Iran Contra style on steroids. This is not entirely out of the question.

Now we know where a bunch of Burisma Money went that so happend to go through PrivatBank! Devon Archer got his ass in ac rack with the US Gov't and bank records came forward under discovery.

But what is listed here is just drops in a rain barrel of what is missing. There are billions missing.


Now Beck also makes a plausible explanation of how triggered the Democrats got when CrowdStrike was mentioned in the July 25th call. Everyone assumed it had to do with the DNC server, well that was just a distraction, and gave them the ability to cry conspiracy theory.

Who really gives a shit if the DNC screwed Bernie in 2016? Nobody, and Bernie hardly got screwed, he ended up with two new houses, and got the charges against his wife dropped for defrauding the college upstate.

Beck pointed out the Motion to Intervene that was struck down by a Clinton Friendly judge who immediately after striking down the motion recused herself.


But it's this second page that got some interesting questions.

FVEY and CrowdStrike

So maybe, just maybe the whole CrowdStrike thing had nothing to do with the DNC Server but the Servers that came up missing in Poroshenko's offices that were also maintained by Guess WHO???

That's right CrowdStrike.

The FVEY question is really interesting and I'm trying to dig onto that a lot more, that's a pretty specific question to be just randomly asked in a damn paternity case in Arkansas.

I sure hope DevinNunes

or Jim_Jordan

or ChuckGrassley

or SenRonJohnson are looking into this. I asked this question today to another person that can look inside a little close, hopefully something will come of that.


NIKK...Yes, this is very long but when someone has put so much time into trying to connect the many dots I thought we needed to see his work in front of us. And refer back to it.

9,288 posted on 02/08/2020 6:02:42 PM PST by STARLIT (I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.)
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GREAT post. Thank you.

9,298 posted on 02/08/2020 6:17:50 PM PST by gubamyster
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I watched Beck’s program last night.

It was excellent.

Thanks for this finding this documentation.

The word “Crowdstrike” has them all upset.

When Trump mentioned that word in his phone call on 7/25, that set everything in motion. They know he knows, and they tried to take him out.

9,304 posted on 02/08/2020 6:26:10 PM PST by exit82 (Democrats are unfit to govern--they hate America, the Constitution and those they don't agree with.)
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Thank you so much NIKK. Sometimes I get exasperated because when some of this was happening I posted to FR. I guess no one took it seriously or just made comments.
I’ve posted so many things one this site that now, it is taken seriously, but wasn’t at the time.

9,314 posted on 02/08/2020 7:03:02 PM PST by Rusty0604 (2020 four more years!)
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scratchin my head...Shokin resigned 02/16/2016. The Latvia document is 02/18/2016. Shokin shouldn't have been looking at anything. Something somewhere doesn't fit.

Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who Joe Biden pressured Ukraine into firing in 2016, told RudyGiuliani & Chanel Rion of One America News that the Latvia document & other such documents made it impossible for him to simply shut down a probe into Burisma.

per wiki with references:
16 February 2016: Shokin submitted a letter of resignation. Shokin resigns
17 February 2016: an official states he has taken a paid leave.Shokin on Leave
19 February 2016: press secretary Sviatoslav Tsegolko wrote on twitter they had received an official letter of resignation from ShokinPoroshenko Announces Shokin's Resignation

9,327 posted on 02/08/2020 8:31:13 PM PST by stylin19a ((2016 - Best.Election.Of.All.Times.Ever.In.The.History.Of.Ever))
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Thanks for all of the hard work, in posting this great info, NIKK.

Am going to read in the a.m. - too late to give it the concentration it requires.

Rudy was great, as usual, on Jesse’s show, tonight. I just wish Jesse wouldn’t interrupt the guests so much.

Steve Bannon, Rudy and KellyAnne were all great...and, some of their (good) train of thoughts were interrupted.

9,335 posted on 02/08/2020 8:54:44 PM PST by Jane Long (Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow.cuase)
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To: NIKK; Liz

LIZ. See Nikk’s post 9288

9,339 posted on 02/08/2020 10:00:43 PM PST by hoosiermama (When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.DJT)
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NIKK you are amazing on the in-depth and LONG informative threads you share.

Thank you

9,352 posted on 02/09/2020 5:00:37 AM PST by DollyCali (Dont tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big your God is!)
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