“It just so happens that they are Germans, but they might as well be zombies, since thats about as much character development they get.”
Why are we supposed to give a sh*t about the motivations and feelings of the enemy? It’s not like they give a damn about our men when they’re trying to kill them!
“Why are we supposed to give a sh*t about the motivations and feelings of the enemy? Its not like they give a damn about our men when theyre trying to kill them!”
There was a couple of interesting articles this year (one in American Thinker) about the Christmas Truce of 1914 with new information regarding how the common soldiers felt versus the military and political establishments. Also how the establishments at that time tried to suppress the truces in the future. It was a reminder that one should not be whipped up into a frenzy regarding enemies (or causes such as global warming) by our “betters”. Way too many men were killed during 1914-1918.