Question: Why do most of the discoveries in archaeology come from academics outside of the country of interest? You would think the Greeks would take pride on doing this on their own. I really am curious.
Foreign universities have lots of money and Greece is broke?
What Chewbarkah said. In addition, it's a pretty small country (north of 11 million, including the piles of illegals from muzzie hell-holes), with more Greek-ancestry people living in other places around the world than are found in Greece (an estimated million and a half in the US alone). As with so many other immigrants, Greek-ancestry people aren't always sure of the specifics of why their ancestors left the homeland, but often it was due to relative opportunity, and/or poverty in Greece, or due to some kind of family feud that their side lost. Greece has adopted the UNESCO suggested model for the structuring of its educational system, I'm sure that's just the best idea in history, eh?