As business people, IF they feel the heat of lost revenue, they'll see the light.
Even as an agnostic, I am a firm believer in redemption.
Should they repent, repudiate their errors, and change their behavior, I will, once I see the evidence, consider patronizing them again.
In my mind, it would be a purely business decision to locate every board member and minion that implemented the screw-the-Christians policy that cost the company money, and worse damaged, or frankly lost, that elusive and priceless thing a company calls its goodwill, and fire every single one of them.
In the mean while, I've heard good things about Popeye's sandwiches, and will be trying them.
The Popeye's is quite literally across the street from the Sparks Chick-fail-A, and even closer to Discount Tire where I'm getting my summer tires swapped out for snow tires after Thanksgiving.
Well to repeat myself: I can only conclude steady year to year growth and an extremely loyal customer base is not as important as a few brain washed students protesting.
Nothing is more fragile then loyalty to a fast food franchise and CFA had a LOT of loyalty. This is one to watch and I for one will be watching as I drive buy the locations I used to stop at.
“In the mean while, I’ve heard good things about Popeye’s sandwiches, and will be trying them.”
My wife isn’t a political junkie like me (and probably you), but she LOVES Popeye’s...and so do I. We tried CFA, nothing to write home about.