My first thought when I first read this was, great, another favorite brand is going to be produced in Asia from now on. I think I’m done with it.
OTOH, I’m sure this isn’t as bad as coming out of the PRC, but Taiwan... it’s just that much closer to the PRC directly turning out something I’m gonna eat? No, thank you.
But I’ll hold back for a while, a couple of years at least, see how it goes, before I try it again, and then only in tiny quantities, here and there.
There are plenty of delicious, wholesome things being produced right here in the good old USA. Don’t have to go fishing in dubious Chinese waters for something to eat.
We eat tuna at least twice a month. I’m thinking I’ll have to go out off Baja California and catch some tuna and albacore myself. We have room in the freezer for a goodly amount, and I’m sure we could figure out how to can a bunch of it too.