“...Of course, everyone who attended the rally would have been unarmed, unlike the snowflake antifa thugs outside who were armed. Something has to change. They have organization, we dont. Even if there had been some patriots there, they would have been greatly outnumbered. It was like Little Bighorn...”
Perhaps have several hundred armed patriots that blend in with the crowd. Lure the antifa thugs into a spot where they can be completely surrounded with no escape, and then give em a little taste of the Little Bighorn in real life. Spare NONE of em.
There are any number of ways one can be armed to protect yourself when forbidden to carry firearms or pocket knives. One is to take a number two lead pencil and sharpen it to a fine point, then take a razor blade and ring it about an inch and half or two inches from the point. Applied to the soft tissue between the sternum and the groin and snapped, it works wonders. Or a Bic type ball point pen. Another is what we called a rat tail comb. It is a regular comb with a handle to hold it that comes to a point. And there are keys on a chain. One whips them across the face at eye level. While these are not the best self protection, they beat falling to one’s knees and begging.