” In cities do they have generators?”
I’m not MileHigh lol.. but not enough people have generators. They think nothing will happen. They don’t prepare for anything, so people are always caught off guard. They are caught off guard if it rains here!! This is seriously becoming the state of stupidity and the whining is about to make me crazy lol. Just be prepared. It’s so not difficult to put some water and canned goods aside, have a plan IF the electricity goes out. Especially if you have a medical device. Why people are so dependent on the gov’t makes me crabby lol. Whiners make me cranky.
When the Santa Ana winds come and they can hit in Dec or Jan.. I put all the cat crates by the front door. Photos and negatives are already taken care of. I have meds. But then I’m always a bit (not like the sky is falling) but I’m aware that we could have an earthquake.. so why not a fire?
Last summer, SDGE was working on my property to replace the gas lines (long story, long 5 months). There was an accident down the street, a transformer blew and the power was out for 10 hours. I was thankful for the generator. I just think people are stupid if they aren’t prepared, I guess. I mean, do they NOT think that something else could knock out power here?
All hospitals in California are required by law to have generators as are nursing homes.
We do live in the city, and we do have a large generator. We actually have 2 generators. One that runs on gasoline, the other runs on natural gas.
It ain’t all of us without generators that are stupid, some of us just don’t have anywhere to put them.
Part of the fun of living in apartments. Even if I had storage for one, I couldn’t run it unless I ran it indoors.