If nobody does nuttin’ else, do please try to pull up LOU DOBBS tonight interviewing the DiGenovas’, and hearing a crystal clean and methodical explanation of what’s going on with them and with John Soloman, regarding the long awaited dissemination of cascading evidence that is blowing up the Shif for Brains use of a single committee to process a coup.
“BREAKING NEWS” during that interview includes a LETTER tonight, issued by the POTUS to NANCY PELOSI, wherein he declines to cooperate with this committee impeachment process, UNTIL which time that Pelosi first forces a vote of the full House before opening an IMPEACHMENT process, as HOUSE RULES require.
Rita: Only after a HOUSE VOTE is the target [POTUS, in this case] allowed to enter evidence, call their own witnesses and where both parties are equally allowed to conduct themselves throughout the process.
As it is, PELOSI AND Schif for Brains are trying to use this single committee to break protocols and tradition, set in constitutional law for impeaching a president, and are hiding behind calling this operation an “inquiry”.
Yet, they are making demands for documents from the WH as if it was a bonified full HOUSE IMPEACHMENT PROCESS, and they deny the rights of the POTUS in this manner to defend himself and they step all over the rights of the Republicans to participate, since this is a stick horse committee routing fair and impartial justice.
LOU DOBBS TONIGHT, please view this baby.