Spanish flu
If I remember correctly, this is the same as the Swine Flu of the 1970s which was gonna kill us ALL!. I believe ONE MAN did come down with the Swine Flu back then, and every reporter beat a trail to his door for an interview. More people died, standing in line for the shot, from old age than the flu.
Thing is, despite the false alarms, influenza can kill, and if a strain hits that most don’t have some immunity against, the death toll can get big very quickly. The YouTube I referred to earlier offers one explanation why the flue of 1918 was so deadly and why it seem to overly affect people in their 20s and 30s.
I know that some diseases that are now ‘contained’ still are difficult to treatsmallpox being a glaring example. Anyway, if you haven’t seen it before check out: