Kenyans must be some of the dumbest people on the planet. A normal country would just ramp up breeding programs to fill the need. These morons merely slaughter their livestock to the last animal? Note that these are the winners. The losers got to become slaves and mostly worked to death in Arabia.
Thievery prevents breeders from simply producing more stock. To breed an animal has to be old enough and to get it to that age, and after pregnancy and the long gestation period to the first birth, takes a very vigilent farmer’s 100% attention to keep it healthy and to keep it from being stolen, and it takes a lot of feed that costs money before the animal earns back even a penny. You cannot rent the animal out for labor because a renter is a lousy guard against thieves. You cannot leave your donkeys home and use one for hauling somewhere because thieves will raid your field and steal the donkeys left at home. Then, donkeys aren’t pigs that have huge litters, so the yield is low. The incentive to take the easy safe route and steal donkeys for profit is too high thanks to Chinese demand.