The right of secession in response to tyranny is absolute. There just was no tyranny, as you point out.
Well, unless you count the slaves. They would agree that there was a tyranny.
For the corrupt democrats? Nope.
They were well positioned to ride out four years of minority government.
If they had not trashed their own party, splitting it in two, then even the election outcome could have been different.
But sore Gore loser Breckenridge took his second place finish badly and decided to tear down the country instead.
I believe that to this day, he is the only person expelled from the Senate for treason...
...and then he immediately went out and waged war against the country - as a Major General and then Secretary of war.
ah, if only this youh had had some maturity and wisdom!
Tyranny is in the eye of the beholder my friend. When our own founders made their claims of tyranny, the Canadians didn't agree with them, neither did the approximately 1/3 of our own population that remained British Loyalists, and nor did the British public agree with them.
People have to judge for themselves what abuses they think are intolerable.