There are lots more still in office.
Alexander, Graham, McSally, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Rubio, Tillis, Burr, Lankford, Gardner, Cornyn, Hyde-Smith, Collins, Sasse, Kennedy, Shelby, Ernst, Blunt, McConnell, Wicker, Portman, Isakson, Johnson, Toomey, Rounds, Thune, Gaines, Barasso and Enzi are all Bush League Republicans.
All Trump has to do is agree to a treaty to harmonize our treatment of the matter with some country that clearly prohibits anchor baby citizenship then get McConnell to prevent the treaty from getting a ratification vote.
Unless or until a vote is held, the proposed treaty is the law of the land.
Whatever the eventual outcome, in the interim it would create uncertainty for illegals plotting their trip.