When it comes to humans such statements really don't mean a great deal because of potential elements in society and culture. Consider the rules in relatively recent Korean culture regarding pregnant females and gaegogi as an example. Its quite possible, especially if they processed primarily large breeding sized fish from the seasonal runs and had developed smoking as a preservation technology, that there could have been a rule that for some reason women and children couldn't eat the fish. There could be some rule that only men ate the preserved fish while away on the hunt and those back at the tribes base processed and ate the spoils of the last hunt.
No, I haven't read anything suggesting that we know there were rules like this for a fact but the farther we go back, in particular once we get farther into the past beyond Greece, a lot of so called archaeology is really just made up stories. Since its possible and we do have similar examples occurring to this day then something like that cant be ruled out either.
...a lot of so called archaeology is really just made up stories.
Uh, no.